Professor Sasquatch

Thank you for...informing me. A lickey boom boom down. 

as far as jamaican accents go...well,  he’s no Snow.

I really appreciate these cliffnotes, because I just very much do not want to listen to this fucking guy today. 

I mean he had some good stuff back in the day. If someone played a track for me and it was good I’d still listen to it. I just haven’t cared for anything he’s done for a while. I don’t think I heard anything off of the Jesus or whatever album (was that an album? Or just a bunch of church shows?)

“pork golem” has now been incorporated into my vernacular and will be used liberally.

What the actual fuck?

When the most devout are the least moral. It has to be the #1 cause in the decline of religion in America ... and yet, try telling any of them that. They get apoplectic.

Assholes: “We don’t want you to be spoiled. Starve!”
Same assholes: “I am a Christian! I could never do anything bad!”

What are you even saying? Yes, some people had a positive opinion of him before it came out that he was a rapist. That’s not, like, hypocrisy that’s acting on new information. 

It’s an interesting tale. Kind of low-rent Hollywood redux. Nobody really gave a shit about Ron unless he was making him money that day , but they cared even less about all the women he allegedly abused (and, it should go without saying, they cared about those women the least when Ron was making them money that day.)

you right, thats probably a sentence I could have left out. what i was trying to convey (and there’s a word missing) is that my cousins make bad decisions too by asking me to rent cars for them (that live in Atlanta) from DC for a day bc they can’t do it so you know they’re health insurance game ain’t on lock. so its

Now playing

Go to the 2:0o minute mark and witness why he’s the best. The man has great hooks, interesting ideas to convey, playful/intelligent articulation, the ability to blast out rhymes without taking a breath and is respected by every other rapper/critic. The man is humble, smart and incredibly talented. I highly suggest you

I’m less bothered by the two decades thing than I am by this: they specify “nine albums,” then go on to list only eight (leaving out Section.80); and of the ones they list, two are just deluxe editions of already-listed albums with a small amount of bonus content, and one, Overly Dedicated, is a mixtape and not an

Somewhere at Eon Productions:

The basic appeal of Jeopardy is that anyone, from whatever walk of life, can win so long as they have the knowledge and skill. And nothing exemplifies that more than our new host, who rejected a bunch of more talented people and then gave himself this job.

Obligatory Unsee posting

Complains about people piling on Tarantino based off of one quote without context, then continues on to call his mother “Toxic” off of one quote without context...

“I remember when Bravo used to air operas.” -Jack Donaghy, GE Head of Late Night TV and Microwave Programming

This might be the best looking electric motorcycle concept out there. It takes inspiration from heritage without being gratuitously retro. It mixes classic and modern in a way that doesn’t look like a sci-fi movie prop (although it would look awesome in a sci-fi movie).