Professor Sasquatch


I’m totally on board with the sentiments of this, but to use two photos, one of which he is smiling in, and to extrapolate his comparative mental states from them is a bit silly.

It’s amazing how old the people I went to high school with look like now. Thankfully there’s no way they think that about me!

I made a winning move by picking up a woman who is into gross aging men.

Speaking as a dude who once ran marathons and rowed crew for a Big 10 Team and now looks like if an older, fatter Vin Diesel had a baby with Paul Giamatti... getting old sucks and time is undefeated.

lol yeah fuck the homeless they’re all thieves

I may be completely missing your irony and stepping on a joke, and if I am I apologize in advance.

The “one-upped” Nirvana thing is entirely sensationalism there to enrage gen-x’rs and drive traffic and best not taken too seriously.

I don’t listen to Billie Eilish. Her music means the world to my stepdaughter, so I have some respect for anyone who makes her feel special & respected. She could be amazing but it’s not my call to make, & I’m not going to criticize anyone for their taste.

Also seems a bit weird to compare a depressive burnout who stumbled into superstardom with a hyper-connected child of immense privilege. Kurt was never interested in being relatable, Billie never *was* relatable in the first place.

Seems a bit silly to compare a 19 year old singing about how a venture they once enjoyed is lucrative but not fun and a 25 year old saying their teenage bullshit was bullshit but lucrative.

I hope this is just exhaustion and not something more serious.

It’s been a trip watching angry nerds lose their minds over the sanctity of their 1980's long-form toy commercials.

Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.

“Wow, politico are such jerks for making people at LOTO look like rubes. But, yeah, they’re rubes. Just don’t have to say it out loud, Politico. That’s rude.”

She probably had aim assist on.

Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.

Yeah, the market consolidation in radio is hideous. I’d hopes that Pandora/Spotify etc. would be an antidote for that but it’s even worse on those services - and it’s amazing that they’d somehow manage to make the royalty situation even WORSE for the acts they play.

“you better make haste, do what she says or catch a serious beatdown.”

Really interesting lately seeing which people the AV Club condemns and which people it reserves the passive voice for.