Professor Sasquatch

Personally I hope they throw the book at him. My brother died of modified zelda save files. 

Now this is stuck in my head...

“The ones that got pregnant are the ones that were supposed to get pregnant” feels kind of gross.

Reminds me of a L&O SVU with a guy who got off on getting women pregnant - lie about being sterile or damage condoms or switch out birth control pills. All about ego (look at MY SEED, see how well my dick works, coo over attributes from my genetic contribution), and control (You need me now more than ever while your

Hey, if you like it—we love it, Nick!

With a name like Tanner, this face was inevitable. 

Pookie and Ray-ray Voltron Nick Cannon is out here shooting up the club with four different IG models. Four different single mothers running four different broken single parent households with a single stretched thin part time father.

You want insufferable? Try living with a Harvard Law grad. I did once. You literally never stop hearing about it. 

Driver will sing Sparks songs while mimicking giving head.

I wasn’t going to watch it anyway. Trump supporting bitch. 

Hugh Hefner, Cosby’s old running buddy, banned Cosby from the Playboy Mansion in 1974.

21 fucking seasons of working on SVU didn’t teach Ice-T a little  more sensitivity to sexual assault survivors than that?  Jesus H Christ.

He maybe dead!

The smash community doing what it do best

Those are cycling helmets.  Why are people wearing cycling helmets on their feet?  I don’t understand.

Now playing

I was a viewer of Late Night With Conan O’Brien from his first episode, and man was he ever awkward and uncomfortable. And he was awkward and uncomfortable for a looong time. It was great when he finally settled into a groove. Up until then, I remember thinking, “When is he ever going to settle in and get relaxed

I truly apologize if the menu came off as subjective

If you’re not delving into the Castilian language voice-over credits to comb for clues, are you really even paying attention?

Pray for his enemies?!