Professor Sasquatch

I think with B., we may enter Archer territory.  

I’d argue that it provided enough stability for them to focus on jobs that they enjoy or find creatively satisfying rather than set them up as a tent pole leads.

Two things:

I believe “Heavy Chinese Propaganda” was the series’ working title.

Dude. Two words (and 4 movies): Ip Man.

“It’s German for ‘To the for’.” ~ Sideshow Bob, 1993

My elbow is the joint I use to lift my beer.  My ass is what you can kiss. 

thank god you’re here on this story about a child predator to critcize ... *checks notes* ... all Twitter users.

Where’s Krasinski in all this? I know he knows how to use Instagram, he made millions from it. That dude is kinda suspect.

May I suggest. “Cop-sucker”?

They say change is as good as a rest.

I pick up hitchhikers.

she’s tossed it all in a blender and come out with an addicting song that wears its retro style proudly”

Yeah, I totally think it’s a personality & charisma thing with Cardi B. I’m a woman and I loved her album, she reminds me of Luda, her lines are just fun to shout! She is nowhere near as technically skilled as Meghan and it shows on this track but her verses are still fun as hell. When she pops up and yells “Macaroni

You think that’s a screed? You must not remember 1998 as well as I do. Whole pages full of solid text, heavy on capitals on exclamation points, paragraph-free and posted somewhere on GeoCities. In lime green, surrounded by skull-themed GIFs! They went on forever. They shattered your belief that rational thought could

Too many poignant memories tied-into this film. My late-fiancée loved Cast Away (2000). I can picture the pair of us having lunch prior to seeing this movie on a Sunday afternoon knowing we still had that evening to look forward to. My sweetheart got me a Wilson antenna-topper ornament for my vehicle’s antenna when

Seems a little odd for this site to advertise this book and make zero mention of Rabins new Weird Al book...

“Toxic.” A word that, like “racist,” “fascist,” “-istphobic,” and all the rest, has been so over-mis-used so as to lose not only it’s meaning, but it’s sting.