Professor Sasquatch

Ugh- that’s such a bummer. I’ve gotten more pure joy from this tv show than almost any other.

That video was rough. An amazing amount of (unearned) confidence coming from someone who could be found out at any moment...
Glad she got called on her ridiculous charade.



So true. I was just telling a friend the other day- if you have the ability to grow long hair but don’t, you are a world-class chump.
(I might still be salty from having to shave my long hair due to a rapidly receding hairline).

Man- so many of the “best games” seem to be on the PS4. I backed the wrong pony...

Two ingredient” might be a bit of a stretch when it comes to some of these- a gin and tonic, for example, REQUIRES the lime.
Totally gross without it.

“Sometimes action is necessary when words have been repeatedly ignored.”
Nice work, D.C. protestors!

Mafia 3 was surprisingly great.

I’ve found her stuff after CMM to be solid, but without that irresistible hook. I listen to every new release, but I generally only listen to it once.

Bandolero is a classic- such a potent mix of genres.
Here I Come never gets old.

Ring the Alarm is a great tune. Bam Bam is one of the all time greats.
Solid mix. Definitely going to check out the tunes I’ve never heard before.

Code doesn’t work :(

Code doesn’t work :(

When I was in 4th grade, a friend and I snuck up to our music teachers motorcycle that was parked 2 feet from the door to his classroom (it was an open plaza type of elementary school in South Florida), and COVERED it with BenGay. My friends parents were older and played a lot of tennis (again- Florida) so they had an

It’s been a while since I read the Silmarillion, but wasn’t Sauron always evil? He was Morgoth’s second, so the “big bad gets slowly corrupted” Anakin angle might not be the way to go.

The Captain and Shari clearly need to collectivasize!
These times, they come and they go- if you live long enough, you live to see them come again.

Whoa. So good. Totally don’t know where it’s going with the vocal intro, then BAM- it opens right up!!

Now playing

My brother’s been on a St. Marie kick for the last few months.
She was pretty amazing on Sesame Street as well.

I was surprised at how many people were in the crowd- didn’t know Sander could still pack ‘em in like that.