Professor Sasquatch

Pretty clear what this guy is thinking.

I wonder if the attempt to send Roof the Nazi materials what made the FBI start keeping tabs on her.

Naw, you’re thinking of Pen Gu Island.

Totally- I read these reviews and check out the albums if I don’t know them, but I come mainly for the comments that clue me in to them sleeper hits...

For the most part, all these have Cookie Monster style vocals (hey- to each their own)- can anyone give me some recommendations of some metal that has clean vocals?
I tend toward the prog-metal usually- Caligula’s Horse, Fair to Midland, Socionic, etc...

My dad was the author of a pretty popular YA series of novels that featured a female protagonist. When he sold the movie rights, he was informed that they had to inflate the role of one of the male characters to sort of a “male co-lead” because moviegoers would never go see an adventure movie with a female

Did you seal the deal?

Gloves come off if someone publicly proclaims they cheated on you. That’s the nukiest of nuclear options.
There’s just no need to be that hurtful.

WHHHOOOAAAA! That must’ve been soooooo uncomfortable!

Winner winner chicken dinner. This story made my whole body clench.

Man- when they switch to new vehicles, I hope I can pick up an old mail truck for cheap. That’d be a useful and fun ride.

Just watched it- “The Gal Who Got Rattled” is fucking devastating. I shoulda taken the comparisons to No Country as a red flag- this is too much for sensitive young Sasquatch...

And what was that supplier? Have you used them? Im am keen on trying this stuff out, as I think it might be very helpful, but cost is a huge factor for me...

And what was that supplier? Have you used them? Im am keen on trying this stuff out, as I think it might be very

I read that as “Reno 911", and then was sorely disappointed...

Ah, crap- another brilliant bit of deduction squashed by the facts...

I bet the group costume was Aqua Teen Hunger Force?

Counterpoint- Zeppelin fucking rules.

So, what you’re saying is... I have a shot?
...then I guess I’ll see myself out.

I was looking for something a little risque about his armor, I guess “off-color” has a different meaning for me...