Professor Sasquatch

...or just heaps of internalized self loathing.

Howard University students, 2006?

“Cooning” has been a pejorative verb for quite a while- where you been?

Also- maybe I could get ungrayed? That would be pretttty sweet...

Isn’t Dennis Rodman on that list as well? I call him singing Trump’s praises in that nutty interview where he bashed Obama and cried? I seem to recall him wearing a MAGA hat as well...

I didn’t get the reference either, but still- ya gotta check out that album. Sooooo good- put out around the same time he did Headhunters.
Never a bad time to recommend Thrust.

Whooooooa. That’s some crazy stuff. Sounds like you dodged a bullet.

...and the handicapped.

I thought the same thing, or the unlikely scenario that there’s some sort of mainstream entertainment that references the Bangor Mall...

Getting high with Obama? Talk about burying the lede!

Also- what do you suppose Beto’s chances are? Unseating that POS Cruz would be pretty amazing... 

They would both be gold, but I bet they’re gonna go with a white guy for Murphy’s foil.
...y’know- broaden the demographic.

That video was some scary stuff. Glad she made it out OK- so many women don’t.

They use one of those vehicles in the Venture Bros.
...shoulda known it was based off a real jet-age piece of technology.

So I don’t know. I’m Switzerland, I don’t f—cking know,”
...that’s pretty much my go-to anytime my friends get into a tiff.

There are some good ones for sure, and definitely ones that I thought would be scorchers live, but maybe not so great as album cuts.

The film was titled, ‘Surfer, Dude’- please, lets give this flawless piece of american filmmaking the courtesy of at least getting the name right. Punctuation matters!

That’s bullshit- there’s a pretty flagrant double standard evident in this case. 

How much you wanna bet that she gets off with a slap on the wrist and gets out even sooner?

Well said.