I swear I'm a grown up.

Certainly underrated. My first reaction was, Wait, how did that bum garner TWO frikkn homers?

Madison Bombgarner

There is an old partner at a law firm who went to UNC who will stumble across the shirt. He will find it hilarious. The old partner will the show the shirt to some poor schmuck associate who will be forced to pretend that the shirt is funny and clever. That schmuck will force a laugh out. The old partner will show

I need a pic of a baby dressed as Anna Wintour, but the internet is letting me down...

This is an embarrassing look for you.

That’s not the substance of this article, which was written by a religious person, at all.

Every criticism I’ve seen of this has boiled down to “lol religious people are different than me.”

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

I know, right? I love ass-day. My wife lets me have it on my birthday.

Beat me to it. Stars for you, you like-minded individual.

Gave me a genuine belly laugh. I really needed that today. Thank the gods for smart snarky people.

The fastest runner does not get eaten by the alligators down there. Just ask the last guy...oh wait.

Yeah, screw education! Go sports!

Why be smart for life when you can be an OK athlete for a decade?

does this college have a track record for this sort of fishy behavior?

What’s a university for again? Is it for teaching people how to run?
Asking for a friend.

I promise you won’t even hear about this rule until it pops up in the last 30 seconds of a divisional round game, to completely, and questionably, fuck up one teams chance of winning.
Gonna be exciting!

Five grand?!? Suckers! I got mine for $4.95!

fake mewes!