I swear I'm a grown up.

Where’s the Kpassagnon-Pete Carroll joke? I must have passed over it.

You mad Bro?

That's some Mid-Season Kinja right there.

I make a good 1/3rd of my yearly income off of events done by the Clinton Foundation. I'd be ok with them sticking around. For my paycheck.

What sport does Hillary connect to ala Obama and Basketball? We know Trump will be golf.

The laughing you hear behind the camera is Roger Goodell.

I guess you don't seem to remember the blockbuster deal Nick Punto Deal.


And now we've created Zolak.

“The Giants play the Vikings next Sunday night, and there’s literally no reason to tune in other than Beckham. I can’t see the NFL keeping its biggest star out of its week’s most-watched game. I hope I’m wrong.”

Concussio... Sounds like a drink Russel Wilson could get behind to cure head injuries.

Brilliant. +1

Two great parts of that article. 1. The double returns to open the game. 2. The anecdote about Jim Harbough getting benched for Moses Moreno. Brilliant.

Eggs and legs. Thanks for the throwback. Miss that place.

Yeah. But how many people will Boston kill building the Olympics? That number, will be impressive.

people who work on touring shows go through the same thing. I think one year I filed in 22 states and 8 W2s.


You're going to be Smarting from that comment all night aren't you?

Ooo! I like how you finish it with the defense the Patriots fans aren't allowed to use. Bravo. Vomit.