Connor Dickless

This is excatly why I don’t believe first party exclusives are as much as a selling point as people tend to think. Of all the games for any given platform they make up a fraction of them. They’re nice to have, for sure, but if you crunch the numbers you’re more likely spend more time playing third party games during a

I’ve been a fan of most of Corridor’s stuff for a while. But this pivot to AI nonsense needs to just stop. I’d rather they stuck to making funny videos and their “stunt actors react” series.

Perhaps more importantly; do wolves still hunt in packs?

Stop. Buying. These. Games.

FWIW it’s on game pass for PC you have it. 

Oh thank God. This game is really fun but sailing ten minutes back to an outpost to sell loot only to get slaughtered by a fully manned warship from hell is not fun by any means.

That mode was too much damn fun to be ignored. Probably a little bit ahead of it’s time. Now that extraction shooters are the hotness the time is right. I’d even take a standalone release. 

This is awful. Who could have ever predicted this?

If they don’t bring back Survival then I don’t give a shit. Bring back Survival, you cowards.

I’m not saying it’s surprising, I’m saying it’s unfortunate. 

Sometimes all someone needs is a little push in the right direction. 

Their sources are always YouTube videos by sad little basement dwellers with half a dozen subscribers. When they say “Do your own research” be prepared to get a link to the most pathetic  YouTube rant you’ll ever see. 

You know that freedom you guys like to evangelize about non-fucking-stop? Guess what; you’ve literally always had the ability to exercise it by not taking your kids to drag shows, bud. Same as any other parental guidance suggested activity. Nobody is forcing you or anyone else to bring your kids to drag shows.

“Instead, it seems we have reached the point where it’s time to admit the Switch can’t handle some of the bigger games coming out these days”

If it still has the wonky handling and physics from the first game (and pretty much every Ubisoft game featuring driving) then I’m already turned off. Never played the second so if it was improved I wouldn’t know.

EA sabotaging a game with a poorly timed release date? Why does this sound familiar?

It’s a formula that works, so people keep buying them. They make games I enjoy that also has the benefit of having releases spread out by at least a good few years. So yeah, I played something very similar but that was whatever year Fallout 4 launched. And the last time I played that was at least a couple of years ago

I felt like such a monster after this mission. The way this poor kid’s enthusiasm turns to existential dread just wrecked me.

Really glad I stocked up on Plus and was able to convert to Premium through September of 2025. But after that? Fuuuuuuck these prices. It’s like they intentionally try to make Game Pass more attractive to consumers. And, ironically, I’d wager that internally they’re blaming this on the Microsoft lawsuit costs.

Is it weird to call it “no build”? Not a single person I know that plays or talks about the game actually calls it zero build. Every single one of them (and myself) calls it no build. Rolls off the tongue better.