Connor Dickless

Pawns are fine but co-op absolutely should have been included. Huge bummer for a game I'll still buy 

Not a huge fan of Avatar but it definitely feels like something that would be way more entertaining to me as a video game. Not stoked that it’s first person though

No FES? Goddamn, I’ve never on my life wished for something to be sold to me as DLC as much as I do right now. I feel so ashamed.

A Zelda movie filled to the brim with pop culture references, top 40 pop hits, and awkward pauses followed by “You’re dead”? Sign me the fuck up! /s

You’re not alone.

I have so many memories of the game where I wish I would have thought to save the clips. Like the time the Jason player grabbed one of us but bugged out and was stuck walking around holding our buddy while we all beat on him. Too busy laughing to think to record anything. A 6/10 game with 10/10 memories. 

I’ll never not be bummed that this fizzled out due to lack of support because of licensing issues. It was jank as hell but I had way more fun with it than I ever did with Dead By Daylight.

Each year we inch closer to being able to non-ironically say RIP Gamestop.

I couldn’t find any way to have a second player join from the main menu so I had thought local co-op was disabled for the beta. But then the message popped once gameplay started. Wouldn’t doubt it if I just got lucky and somehow bypassed the requirement since I played on PC a bit first but didn't finish the prologue. 

I don’t how anybody would find it hard to believe this was real considering Microsoft's track record of putting actual thought and effort into their special edition controller designs. Definitely something Sony should take notes on instead of just slapping a logo on the touchpad and calling it a day. 

“This is very different from the way local co-op worked during the betas, which necessitated both players completing the prologue separately before joining forces”

If Peter doesn’t say “Now dig on this” at some point what the hell is even the point of this get?

Damn, if you added “with hookers and beats his wife” this game could have been a 90s cop drama. 

This might have actually been a deal breaker for me. Especially after FFXV already cut them. I don’t give a shit how “mature” you want you game to be. No moogs no deal. 

This is something that I’ve always done. At least for a few years before I get sick of them taking up space and toss them. I think it stems from being a kid and getting a small amount of clout when friends would come over and be jealous. Just last week I was organizing my front closet and finally broke down and

Absolutely love this series and just started playing Rift Apart. PC players are in for a treat. It’d be nice if the previous games were made available as well hit I suppose they figure streaming them is good enough 

Hello, Fellow Kids: NPC Edition

It absolutely takes me longer to finish games on PS5 compared to Xbox for this sole reason. I can only go about 2-3 hours before the cramping gets to be too much. 

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.