Connor Dickless

Because I don’t think it was shit and I liked it. 🤷‍♂️

Personally, the DualSense is only the second controller in 38 years that’s given me actual hand cramps and pain. The first being the Dualshock 4. Which is weird because before that I preferred Playstation controllers. It’s just one reason why my ps5 is a box for exclusives 

It somehow looks more “Starship Troopers” than Starship Troopers: Extermination, and that went full in on the Verhoeven-ness. Not being 16-player co-op is helping it too because frankly I don’t have that many friends, dammit.

Trailer was cool as hell. Sure wish it was for a single player game story-based game.

A few good things here but personally Helldivers 2 has me the most pumped.

MGS4 was the most painful and monotonous platinum trophy I've ever earned and I'd absolutely do it again. 

I’m just sitting here wishing Twin Snakes was included in this collection.

I don’t understand how this has been so troubled. Just take the original game, make some QoL changes, and pretty it up real nice. I can’t imagine anybody being terribly disappointed by that. 

But surely the digital versions will be cheaper, right?

I would think that making them more expensive would have the opposite effect.

I just hope their library of live service games fares better than the droves of failed Destiny rip-offs that have come and gone. I guess having Bungie on their roster is something.

I really hope this is good. I noped out of Origins pretty quick and Odyssey a little less quickly. Surprisingly enjoyed Valhalla a little more thanks to the stealth based accessibility options. But I'm so over the usual UbiSoft bloat. Just give me something I can play without triggering my OCD. 

Glad to see Sony’s storied tradition of failing to read the room remains intact. 

At the very least there’s a very real lack of self-awareness in being able to type what they did and then tell someone else to “grow up”. Like, hoooo boy, real loudest-person-in-the-room energy going on. 

I haven’t seen nearly most of these but I have seen Beauty & The Beast and I can’t believe it’s ranked at number one. I hated so much of that movie. I don’t know where I’d rank the lot of them but that one would be bottom five for me.

Jesus Christ, man. Go outside and touch some grass. A difference of opinion this inconsequential shouldn’t get anyone this riled up. Like, you okay? 

Whole lotta words to just say you have a different opinion on the game.

I dunno, if it’s got fun gameplay, a good story with at least one annoying character, and the words “Final Fantasy” followed by Roman numerals on the cover chances are I’ll like it just fine. I don’t mind the formula being changed up as long as it works. In fact I prefer it. It’s not like I can’t go back and replay

Note: this does damage to your shield.”

As much as I loved BotW (waiting a bit on TotK) I’d really like them to lean into some light RPG mechanics if this is the formula they’re sticking with. Nothing crazy. Maybe an XP based progression with a basic skill tree. It’d be nice to feel like I earned something for doing side quests other than a shitty red