Connor Dickless

Flat Earth is one conspiracy theory I just don’t understand. In most conspiracy theories there’s some shadow cabal benefitting nefariously in some way from whatever secret truth they’re meant to be hiding. What does anybody gain from selling the “myth” of a round earth? Who gains anything? It’s all so stupid.

Yeah, this. Helldivers is so much fun and I’d be fine with a sequel that was just more of that. Anything more than that is just icing on the cake. 

“For what it’s worth, Cortana is suspiciously human-sized in this adaptation.”

/insert laughingrayliotta.gif

There’s that. And while there’s absolutely very strong Netflix originals I personally think Hulu has more legitimately good original content. Netflix is too expensive for a service that puts out whatever schlock it can get its hands on and then cancels all of it's good shows. 

Hot take; the analogy doesn’t work for me either but it’s because I think Hulu is better than Netflix. It should be the other way around. 

Netflix is actually $20 a month now. Which is why I’m probably cancelling my sub.

Not everyone has the desire or even the space to keep every classic console laying around. You shouldn’t need five different PlayStations when BC could be a thing. 

How is this real? 


This is definitely going to fuck with my strategy of spamming hoarfrost. That skill is (was) so wildly effective against almost anything the game threw at me.

Speaking of duels, that was my favorite mode but it was agonizing waiting for a match. Hopefully crossplay will hp with that. Even though it seems to be the least popular mode pooling the three player bases might be enough to get a decent population.

The easy solution to this is just for people to stop joining the military in the first place. Can’t complain about weak bones if you've got no recruits.  

If this game doesn’t get a sequel I’m going to be highly upset. My favorite game of last year and possibly my personal GOTY. But this is exactly the thing that I could see Square Enix doing because they seem to think anything that doesn’t do Final Fantasy numbers is a disappointment. There’s no way a sequel wouldn’t

As someone that owns a Series X and a PS5 and prefers Xbox, no. Not even close. The DualSense is legitimately as great as people say it is.

Thanks for reminding me to be mad at Nintendo for never putting Dillon or Rusty in SSB. 

Do they play like Mario Kart 8? If so then who cares? The different art style looks good to me but I’m not looking at the grass while I’m karting around. I can’t think of anything that matters to me less with this DLC. 

Dearest Clara,

To be fair, The Fallen aren’t inherently evil. Meanwhile, to my knowledge there's never been a good Hive. So launch them babies, boys and girls.