Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?
Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?
Just look at how sorry he is. OMG he’s so sorry you guys and I fully believe that he’ll never do anything like this again.
Aside from being able to play as a female protagonist I can’t for the life of me imagine why anyone would choose P3P over FES. No animated cutscenes and playing as a floating pink dot are serious turnoffs for me. I guess it’s fine in a pinch but so much of the flavor was stripped from that version imo. Anyway P3FES is…
I feel like it’s rate of fire balances it out pretty well. That said I see it used pretty rarely though tbf I'm not playing ranked.
Following up your bland game that was criticised for being bland with another game from a bland franchise seems like quite a bold move. Can’t say I'm too upset that that didn't happen.
Normally, I’d say this would be a terrible move but this sounds like a very on brand thing for Sony. So, yeah, I wouldn’t doubt it.
Somewhere there’s a gif of Superman with the words “the point” flying over his head. If only I could remember where I put it.
Come on now. Everybody knows you can climb on red things sometimes too.
Is this it? The thing that will finally, eventually cause me to give up gaming and get a real hobby like Pa always wanted? I guess I knew this would happen some day.
The paddles are terrible imo. Maybe you just need extra knuckle joints but I couldn’t even use them when I had an Elite. It felt so awkward.
Man, that sounds like a better Christmas than the time my parents split up and I didn’t get jack shit for Christmas because both parents were too busy fighting each other. But I guess yours is pretty bad too. /s
I actually had a lot of fun with this bad game. It was so stupidly simple and ridiculous that it made for a great party game everyone could laugh at and about.
As others have said, that tone deaf response from the dev = yikes. Couple that with what I’m assuming is a gay club/bar called “The Anal Staircase” in the thumbnail for that trailer and this sure seems like a game made by people I wouldn’t much like irl. Shame since I loved the SWAT games back in the day.
Thanks. I'll be honest, that’s the exact reason it took me 4 months to work up the motivation to do it lol.
If you don’t mind a little work save yourselves 45 bucks and just do it yourself. Did mine this past summer and it cost me maybe $9.
Paragon was pretty much the only moba I e ever actually enjoyed for any length of time. I think about it sometimes to this day and shed a single tear.
I’m sure every Twitter account with a dumbass monkey jpeg for an avatar is creaming their pants over this.
If they don’t shy away from the lore side of Halo I’m sure I’ll enjoy the hell out of this. That armor will definitely look 10x better once it gets some battle damage and grunt brains on it.
Like, what even is this caption?
I really feel like people are being overly harsh on the two intro levels. I personally enjoyed them. They served as a nice way to ease into the new open world formula as well as setting up pretty much the entire central conflict. Plus the cutscenes were a treat for those of us that enjoy the story.