Connor Dickless

“This fighting style can also be used when battling high schoolers to parry their attacks in a merciful manner, instead of beating the crap out of the kids.”

The anime is one of the most emotionally dark and disarming things I’ve ever watched. Which made it one of my favorite things I’ve ever watched. I don’t care if this game is awful I’ll still buy it day one.

“The blog post seems to imply that the addition won’t be a Survival type mode, which was added to the original game via DLC following years-long fan requests.”

Their AOE causes 100 points of systemic socio-economic breakdown and the effect stacks based on how many are thrown. Future generations of guardians are *fucked*.

Adding the ability to save your place, play a different game, and then load your save and continue wouldn’t remove any of the challenge. Presumably, you’d still lose all your progress on a run if you died even after loading your save since you would simply be continuing from the moment you left off. It would not be

P3's story, setting, characters and music are all my favorite. P3 and P5 are good but P3 hit all the sweet spots for me.

I loved Titanfall but this is honestly probably the best move. Neither game blew up the sales charts. But if they wait a bit then "Set in the Apex Legends universe" could be just the thing it needs to finally be the top seller it deserved to be. 

Might be as close to Titanfall 3 as we're gonna get for a while. Sounds interesting to me. At least more interesting than BR.  

I would actually be very okay with this. I wasn’t as sour on Arkham Knight as others but it’s rough on Xbox One.

I 100% agree but also I really wanted to pick up Front Mission 3.

I just read elsewhere that the DLC for both L.A. Noire and Max Payne 3 is now free on PC, so it could have also been adding that.

I agree but also didn’t they do something similar with those? Like they were exclusive to Playstation for a while? Capcom loves their bullshit.

How many people went on buying sprees to pick up all the games they still wanted on the PS3 and Vita stores? I’d be curious to see sales numbers for these past few weeks.

Maybe they should try to do something original instead of trying to jump on about 5 different bandwagons. Guarantee that new ex-Rainbow Six Siege studio is going to be put on a Rainbow Six Siege knockoff.

Saw this yesterday and was like "Yeah, sure, I'll buy RE4 a tenth time." The bastards. 

I think you’re mistaking Kaidan for Ashley’s horrible xenophobic ass.

Maybe, sure. But also he kinda deserves it. 

Generally, more people should have played the original Prey. Period. It wasn’t without its issues but dammit if it didn’t win me over with that surprisingly emotionally deep story. And one of the best uses of (Don’t Fear) The Reaper in any media ever. That was the first game I ever got every Xbox achievement for. The

Don’t know if it’s true but I read somewhere that Square Enix’s people handled the cutscenes in the first game. But for obvious reasons that wasn’t the case with Hitman 2. The cutscenes for Hitman 3 are a welcome return to form but they don’t quite match the quality of that first game so I’m inclined to believe this. 

I’ll be perfectly honest, and this is of course 100% anecdotal, but I subbed to the one month trial and then forgot to cancel so I had it for two straight months. And I couldn’t tell you from memory a single game that was or is on the service. It all felt very underwhelming. I have my nits with Apple but I’ll give