Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?
Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?
+1 barber shop quartet in Skokie, IL
It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.
The only think that can stop SkyNet Conway at this point are the Linda Hamilton Electors.
He’s only had 2 drinks, just like that pansy Tom Scocca suggested
1) This is a false equivocation. There is a world of difference between a hyperbolic remark to convey how angry someone makes you (especially in the vein that it obviously is never going to happen — I will likely never meet Tomi Lahren and even if I did I would not actually cunt punch her) and openly bragging about…
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.
Is that the thing about the hooker with the dysentery?
In fairness, he did embrace an untouchable.
I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and…
I wonder if Nader 2000 voters look in the mirror and tell themselves, “Al Gore definitely would have invaded Iraq. Nothing would be different. Al Gore definitely would have invaded Iraq. Nothing would be different.”
You’re ashamed to live next to Beaver County? Dam.
Quisling suck-ups
I wish Trump was someone else. Andy Kaufman, perhaps.
Why are they sending him to the Instructional League? He already has lots of practice with cuts.
Jesus fuck. This is the longest SNL cold open ever.
How do you spell Gavrilo Princip in Spanish?
At the very least we should send them a nice gift basket.