
There was also Girlhood which was on every film critic and their mum’s end of the year lists yet didn’t get a look in, although that might be part of the wider Oscar issue of how the “foreign language” nominations work.

Genuinely interesting films winning Oscars always feel like they have a dozen caveats getting them there which have nothing to do with any of the interesting things about them, be it a well established director who is “due” an Oscar, or a “worthy” subject matter, or sneaking in under the radar by being in one of the

*approaches mic*

It says mountains about the state of fiction over all that so few people can ever think of an example of a fictional PoC for the sake of that argument.

Redheads seem to turn blonde rather they grey as they age, which is just deeply unfair.

There’s someone on one of the other sites right now citing a passage where Hermione’s face is described as “brown” as proof that she’s white. :|

Now playing

I’m quite keen on the Tom Jones/Cerys Matthews version if only because in the video Tom Jones is playing literally Satan and this kind of thing does seem in character...

As someone with one, it’s frame that does it. BMI takes hight into account when it comes to bone structure but not width. The errors aren’t as extreme as when it’s over (with the lack of muscle/fat distiction) but they’re still present enough that BMI alone is a very poor way to determine how healthy someone is (both

You don’t need to buy the rights to the original texts, but various reworkings will be owned by whoever did said reworking. Like different arrangements of classical music pieces.

...who apparently never travelled...

As much of this sort of thing as possible please!

Yeah, it’s easy to mock but really, this looks fine.

I knew it was going to be Denny before I opened the article, not sure about the Franco’s but here they’ve definately nailed the casting.

Definitely guided, and the colours look very much like they were applied by an adult hand, even if the kid might have been asked what colours they wanted (thus the slightly err...hung over, eyes). Good spot with the pencil lines, that would explain why (to me) the shapes all look like the kind a child would do, but

100% coloured in by an adult. The rest could very well be your kid though, just with a teacher hovering over giving lots of guidence.

...I have so many questions about that but feel any answers would only raise further ones.

The ones I used to take had a good work around for this by having the dummy pills be a different size as well as colour, and coming with a pack of label stickers so you could do your own scheduling.

Coloured (possibly using wasabi) fish eggs.