
At least he knows that it was wrong. There are still people (even people here) that don’t understand why posing as someone of another race is wrong.

At the planetarium in St. Louis back in the 80's I saw Saturn through the huge telescope, and you could see the rings. Pretty amazing!

It’s gone full on art-film which means weird simply for the sake of being weird.

“Jose Superguy” and “Katrina Magoo”

I tend to agree.... Fanboy was a Frenemy in Freakazoid....and it was not a positive portrayal.

Be careful. The Ready Player One Jihadists will tolerate no questioning of their holy tome or movie.

You’re a better person than I am, Beth.

I’m guessing you skipped over the part where I explained why it’s the greatest line in the history of cinema. It’s cool. Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s commented before reading. I forgive you!

Doing a FB Live about it Monday with Gita Jackson from Kotaku! In short, I didn’t think it was very good (mainly pacing and plot issues) but I did like the Jade Key section.

Yeah, the whole “fanboy” thing is designed to flatter people for liking things that are already extremely popular and ridiculously lucrative. Because only a tiny fraction of the billions of people who paid to see Star Wars movies really appreciated them.

You know, I’ve probably spent hundreds of hours playing various X-COM games and I have never even once renamed one of the soldiers. I didn’t want to become attached, it was too painful.

You are so certain, in fact, that you are now gonna provide us with those examples.

THe effect is common, but for them to have the same visual lay out, colors and textures?

I have to wonder how much of that was a sort of failed visual shorthand on the part of the showrunners.

I like the idea that these are characters who are related to other “bigger names”. It allows for creativity in terms of what they’ll do while still there being sort of “Legacies” that can color or shape or inform their overall behavior and audience expectations thereof. It’s a sweet spot and a good balance really.

I don’t know what show you were watching, but the idea that there was an equal amount is absurd.

I think Westworld is also a show that handles nudity fairly honestly. The “hosts” are even more disposable than the “sleeves” on Altered Carbon, and their bodies are treated with equal disregard for their nude dignity. I will say that we see far more of the female stars’ bodies on Westworld than those of the male

Its accurate. I happen to be a straight male, so my preference is to see naked females, but my sense of reality is that men and women are naked in approximately equal measures in the real world. When I see a show with tons of naked women and nary a penis to be seen, I think “hmmmm; made by straight guy.”

What is with you and some of the other commenters?