
It’s a different thing to what it once was (certainly seems weirder now) but yeah, it’s still a thing. I’m trying to do research into I.F for my degree and it’s so damn hard to find useful stuff like talks about game narrative or critiques of key titles without having to wade through a shit mountain of GG related

Not really fair to call Harper et al’s panel an “Anti-Gamergate” panel, no reference to GG appeared in the panels name or description and they were trying to move the conversation on harassment in gaming away from the myopic focus on Gamergate.

You thought about trying to schedule a discussion group after her talk? Obviously doesn’t get around issues like her payment but it was what a group at my uni (Brighton) did when one of the professors set up a screening of an AIDs conspiracy movie (...seriously) and, well it actually resulted in the screening being

Like flies to a turd...

“Be our guest! Be our guest! Put this temper to the test! Tie this rope ‘round your neck cherie, And she’ll provide the rest!”

Glad it wasn’t just me that thought that stuck out, I get the dissapointment at the casting of the other characters but it doesn’t aid that point to downplay a major role in the film.

(Don’t fret it’s there, at 13 no less, which for a horror list is pretty much the best spot to be)

I think that first one is just The Life Of Brian.

It makes it look like they got really far into the show development before someone noticed they had nothing but white men. (The fact that this photo is clearly a composit rather than a genuine group shot is also not helping)

You’ll hear one day that she has, but don’t worry, it’ll just mean she’s finally formed a chrysalis and is taking on her next form.

My God, he’ll sell gallons! that weird guy who invented Soylent. Everyone else just carry on as normal.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say that if ANY of that stuff happens as a result of your dolphin assisted birth, it wasn’t a dolphin, it was a wizard disguised as a dolphin.

...did a Moebeus comic get hit by lightning?

*sigh* The days of old Calvin Harris just get further and further away don’t they?

Chromosomes aren’t even that solid a way to define biological sex, what with Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) Tuner syndrome (XO) Swyer syndrome (XY with female genitalia) and de la Chapelle syndrome (XX with male genitalia).

The openings of The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later are specifically references to Wyndham (heck 28 Days Later is kind of an indirect adaptation of Day of The Triffids) but I guess coming out so close to each other (and both being so popular) has caused it to become kind of a zombie trope, rather than just being two

Late comer to the long straight pube club here! All my hair is long, head is obviously down to style, but it (says the hairdresser) has a longer maximum length than average. Body hair is also all long and my eyelashes bush against the inside of my glasses which can be annoying, everything is plumb-line stright too

I saw it, thought it was great, and am never going to watch it again because fuck that sequence with the family on the beach.

I saw it, thought it was great, and am never going to watch it again because fuck that sequence with the family on

I’d say this looked like a Terry Richardson shot but the lighting is actually way too good for that.

It’s Cryengine.