Just wait untill he opens the Yorkshire and Ipswitch branches!
He’s definitely got the Dornan thing of looking significantly better with a beard.
Needs more Werner Herzog.
Holy crap, every time she says “how do they know this?” I just want to stop the video and explain. Also if you didn’t get that far you missed the bit where she talks about the cave paintings of dinosaurs that totally really exist but science is hiding from you!
He put the similarity to real life massacres in the positive segment of the TD:LR box, because that was when the game felt like it had a point.
They’re wrong about a lot of things, but the far away land of the past did get this one right. Babies basically were a single gender till about three, and it worked both ways: no of course you don’t need to cover up the identical top halves of boys and girls at the beach, and also feel free to put them all in dresses,…
Department of Redundancy Department calling...
Disgusting, there is nothing more disgusting than people who call modern recordings tapes, god damn it people they are digital now there is no tape!
It goes both ways with her and Drake, I like to think they’d call each other Robby and Aub.
Why visit an opium den when you can just keep at bottle of laudanum in the back of the drinks cabinet?
Lindsay Ellis, her videos are really worth checking out.
They have, this was just part of a larger study just into the mass offerings of animal mummies. I'd suspect they'd found empty bundles before, but now they can confirm thus was actually a common practice rather that the occational one off.