Aye, Doug seems proper mardy 'bout this but it don't seem like that big a deal y'ken?
Aye, Doug seems proper mardy 'bout this but it don't seem like that big a deal y'ken?
+1 She's talking about the genetic abnormality issue as if it's women not wanting to have imperfect babies, but the fetal heartbeat is such an astoundingly poor measure of health that women are going to be forced to risk their lives, health and mental well-being carrying to term pregnancies that can only result in a…
It also means jack shit after 24 weeks if there is a serious abnormality, are women going to be forced to continue pregnancies that have no chance of resulting in a live birth just because there is a heartbeat in utero?
We must go forward, not backward, upward, not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling toward freedom!
I can't believe this wasn't in the article.
That looks pretty interesting, the taste of kelp seems like something that wouldn't feel out of place forming part of an ale.
Only know the show I'm afraid.
That is astoundingly low, I'm assuming (well, hoping) that amount is on top of covering the cost of his hormone therapy and paying for reconstruction (if wanted). But even then...
It shall be sold by the yard.
Agreed, just turning the iron throne into a graphic rather than using a photograph would have been 100x better already.
No chance of a Greyjoy brew? It'll taste horrendous but be oddly likeable anyway.
...Wtf? You could have just explained how kids sizes are smaller because kids are smaller, she only asked why.
Misread "lenadunham" as "laudanum" and for a moment there I was quite worried about Mia Farrow.
I was going to ask how The Host holds up, I've heard a thousand explanations of the problems of Bella and co but nothing about...whoever The Hosts main players are. Maybe everyone's just waiting for the movie launch?
I think rabbit would be the exception with fur, as it is bred for meat. There are probably fur only breeds, but as you say, it'd be wasteful to just dispose of the fur from meat varieties, some of which do have very nice pelts, like NZ whites.
I'm not actually in the US myself, but I guess the same "buy in your region" rule would apply. Thinking about it, doing an antique hunt on the continent (that is, France, Belgium et al) might be more fertile so I'll look around when I'm next in that neck of the woods. I'll check out Etsy too, thanks for the help. :)