
I'm constantly on the eye out in antique places, but unfortunately the availability of things like that varies a lot depending on where you are and I seem to be in a dead zone (bu-dum-tish) for furs, not too bad for taxidermy though, of which I have a few pieces. You're right though, e-bay is probably the place, I

I don't view animal products as ethically wrong by default, but apply a general rule of treating them as a luxury. I keep my consumption to a minimum so when I do buy meat or anything similar I can afford to get something good. With fur it's the same, I have no problem with the idea of the product, but if I was going


I once spotted an old (probably early 20th century) edition of Frankenstein in a bookshop that had the authors name written as "Mrs Percy Shelley". I know it was the olden days and all but...really? Even on her own damn book?

The local (UK) variant of this which I get all the time – I have a naturally down turned mouth – is "Cheer up it might never happen!". I've started responding with "It just has" which seems to work ok.

These need to be the costume designs for a Peter Greenaway film yesterday already.

Now playing

not quite up there with "Noam Chomsky's Blood on the Sand"

AFAIK she is just a normal (and considering how few roles she's taken during her university years, sensible) working actress lady.

Try Hannah Murray (actress, Skins series 1&2, GoT series 2) she looks really really similar, but isn't actually Taylor Swift.

I'm up for this. Those guys were alright.

I THINK you would qualify if you were an international student, a friend of mine from CA did a one year exchange to Cambridge from his college and he qualified for the duration of his stay (which was particularly fortunate two months in when his appendix decided to try and murder him). But check a more reliable source

The free contraception over here is something Jez articles really REALLY make me appreciate. I'm not in a relationship at the moment but I'm considering going back on the pill purely because it helps my depression symptoms somewhat. The fact that this is just a medical decision I can make with my doctor and not one I

I saw this crop up in an ad break for the first time last night when I was watching TV with my housemate, and our reaction was, well....

I've never understood the M. Night Shyamalan mockery (well, the name based mockery, I get the terrible film stuff obviously), for one thing although the surname is a bit long it's not THAT long and is spelt pretty much phonetically, but also, the man gave HIMSELF the name Night...NIGHT! Surely that is the part that's

I usually kind of recoil at bright pink as a dress colour, but Fan Bingbing is styled so simply and neat that she looks like a flower, and it's perfect.

These photos are just all over the place quality wise, some actually work quite well (the woman in the lantern shop for example) but then others? Oof, its like they had a bunch of clothes they knew what to do with and then just stuck pins in a travel guide for everything that was left over. Others are almost nearly a

Ok, I think I might actually have to write my essay using that.

To you sir.

I'm not sure if it's down to how dramatic George's weight loss is, or is if it's the weirdly jarring scraggly beard/perfect make-up combo.

Any meat is cheaper if you don't mind ignoring all standards and regulations to acquire it. The problem is these animals aren't from "horse farms" at all (that stuff's pretty expensive) they're from the knackers yard, old working and racing horses that have outlived their use. They haven't been raise as meat so