
It's a bit clearer if you follow the links and check out the accompanying video. The magazine cover isn't an attempt at a reconstruction, so they're not in the correct places relative to each other.

I was at university with a Hunter Thompson (no idea what the middle initial was), common surname obviously, but this is in the UK where Hunter is not really a name anyone uses, and he was nowhere near old enough for them not to have been aware of the namesake. Although I think it fit nicely into a gap of well known

You don't need an assistant Patti, you can be gay all by your self.

I'm from that neck of the woods where "Lady" is a title (not that it's always used literally by any means, but it carries associations because of it) so...yeah, it doesn't quite work for me either.

This headline lead me to believe Fox had given a show to Chase no Face... I feel grossly misled.

He's like the Buscemi of an alternate universe in which everyone is gorgeous.

Hmm, might work well as a wedding ring idea, carrying around a little bit of your other half 'nd all. Not sure about having a strangers skin though, and maybe a thinner strip so it could be inset into the gold band rather than just sit on top of it.

To me there's something about the brush work and weird soft focus that makes it look like it should be spray painted on the side of a van.

Looking at perfectly round and symmetrically positioned those lumps are, I'd say they're definitely piercings (the flaw of trying to represent two materials using only one).

I think this is the same piece, the artist is Brighton based but I think just not at the body casting studio anymore...

I like that idea, like if The Village was founded by violent psychopaths (as opposed to callous ones).

How is 50k's worth of damage a "you're not allowed back" issue and not a "you owe us 50k or we're taking you to court" issue? I assume they're covered for it, but I'm still surprised.


Well, it could be worse. It could be huge and hollow and have a bar inside it, like the one I saw at a music festival a few years ago.

Well James Deen seems pretty good, and I can't really say Lohan seemed that bad either once he was actually awake for her to play off of, but body language and mime clearly are not her strong points (no amount of quick cutting is going to save that flubbed water bottle drop/catch, better off just forgetting it).

Hmmm, sounds OK, but it's not quite as good as Peter Thiel's plan for a floating libertarian city paradise with, errm, no building regulations.

I speaking merely as a person from abroad here, but this ("speak with authority" that is, not you) type of language when it comes to arts projects funding always annoys me. This 100k is taken from an already budgeted allotment for the arts, it was not floating in the ether with an equal chance of being given to an

It's based on a photo? I'd put to the weird forced look of the smile down to the assumption that she sat for I'm more confused.

Now playing

Looks like Damon Lindelof needs to be added to the song...