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Alternatively, fate sends a herd of cattle to correct the universe...

Well, we've got toygers.

Look VS, I know "sexy pilgrim" is a bit of a contradiction (although you could have worked with that, really) and "sexy turkey" is just...not a thing, but neither of these two facts suddenly turn "sexy 'indian'" into anything resembling a good idea.

Tarantula is evolving into...

"...zombie cannon..."

Unfold my sofa-bed. It's first-come first-served people, so please queue politely!

The Muppet theme would make a pretty good call and response protest song..

It's definitely at least safe to assume she's not evil. I really cannot ever stand the use of what amounts to supernatural terminology in cases like this.

By the sounds of it, your costume was simply too awesome to be permitted here.

if you don't have one to hand however just yell "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS!?" instead.

The Creeper costume would also make a great Companion Cube with a different paint job (and set of white/grey clothes if you want to round it off nicely), be prepared for an entire evening of having people disregard your advice though.

For bearded gentlemen, just ad a pair of shades and carry a glass of milk and/or some cassette tapes around: insta-dude.

Post zombie apocalypse, spam keys will be our new currency.

I wouldn't say the scary in Return to OZ was unintentional.

or at the very least, no pets in people clothes :(

In this dogs defence, kibble is a wily and elusive prey with roadrunner-eque levels of cunning.

The problem (going by the article) is the breeding, so that's 88 mostly un-spayed rabbits.

Oddly I think that (the invasiveness) is the very reason you CAN'T be paid for it in the UK (I looked into doing it a few years ago, but the risks, and the level of invasiveness combined lack of any possible compensation put me off) men can be paid for sperm donation because it doesn't come with any risk to the donor,

The problem there is the massive stigmatising and lack of understanding of schizophrenia mean that if you do disclose it you run a real risk of never being able to get a job in the first place, as people wrongly believe that it means you're always a fraction of an inch away from a killing spree. (I have to think

Yes, it is, I have literally just used this.