I do for the same reason I like many fantasy and sci fi worlds: the worldbuilding, and in particular, the creature design.
I like it, it is fun to watch.
The archives are generally still pretty fun IMO.
I’ve been a day 1 Destiny player, but hopped off after the Dreaming City story came to a close. I loved that arc, and the evolution of the world. But after that the game couldn’t keep me hooked anymore— too many Horde-mode-with-puzzles. Too much grinding. Like I remember hopping on for that expansion with the special…
When you die in the story mode, it treats you to this quote. I thought (given the kind of day you’re having) you might get a kick out of this one:
Yo what’s it like to think # of stars given is an actual indicator on whether you’re right or not? Does Lil Baby WreckItRyan have Kinja gold stars plasted on their nursery bedroom wall?
“I’m not an MRA neckbeard loser”
[Source needed]
*uses stars as indication of strength of argument*
*leans on “u rite 2 much, u obviously are upset” as a core rejoinder*
Yup. That tracks. Carry on.
I’m going to wait here while you explain the irony to me.
I’ll get the popcorn, because you’ll literally be explaining a core component of my academic field to me.
I’m specifically asking that the service rendered by my wife and other women be acknowledged with a simple alteration of phrasing. That’s it. Where do you…
I knew there would be one of “those guys” in the comments. You didn’t disappoint.
i think the author is speaking about the way The Culture® lionizes military men and their stories, not making an objective statement about whom we should prioritize.
Imagine being so upset about a comment on a videogame blog that you need to try to make fun of the person making said comment but come off looking like an asshole for it.
Eh. I went to BCT. Got put out in week six due to a problem with my lungs.
That is entirely secondary to cutting out a good 40% of the force through a choice of words in the context of an article purporting to be a studied consideration of the nuances of warfare as entertainment.
Imagine being the kind of ADULT who…
Mentioning my wife’s service is not the same thing as claiming that service for myself. Maybe get fucked with that straw bullshit.
I’m gonna be that dude for a moment. I loved every part of this review, but I ask you to please reconsider the following phrasing:
His point as stated comes across that if they aren’t making articles about regular homicides, then they can’t post about video game related ones with any credibility. That doing so is nothing more than clickbait.
You and 7 other people are complete imbeciles if you think a video game website should be reporting on regular homicides.
Show me a local news station that doesnt report on robbery homicides. This is a video game site that has reported on many Pokemon Go related events (including when people find dead bodies or get in car accidents) so of course they would report on it and it’s relevant.
Oh shit, you’re telling me a video game website doesn’t report random murders, deaths, and accidents, and only mentions them when they’re notably tied to video games?
This has blown my mind.
The last time I was in Disneyland, well before Star Wars Land opened, I decided I was going to do something I’d never really done: play with the cast! Not just in and out, snap a pic and move on - but have fun with them and talk with them!