Trouble Bruin

or....perhaps white people who TRIED to be allies got tired of your Black-centric, you-are-what-you-would-be-in-prison, gangster bullshit?

You guys are just owning yourselves with these comments. Wow, he knows foreign words and pronounces English words correctly, what kind of crazy brainiac!

Why do I have more than a slight feeling the sudden downplaying of his background is very much tied to the fact the lawsuits have started focusing on his role in all this.

I always heard it was prounced like “ease” but with a soft s, not “Yeese”

That’s relative humidity. 47% humidity in cold air is a LOT less moisture than the same percentage in warm air. 

I found the map and art style boring in GTA IV more boring but its breaking down of the immigrant “American Dream” was great. This though... I don’t know.

Get fucked

I’m old enough. He was a scumbag surrounded by scumbags And you don’t want to *not* read about politics here, you just don’t want politics that don’t hew to the St Ronnie line.

From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary

Judging by the first couple chapters, it sounds like the mini guardian is what enables her to fight.

But it is crossing a line. It’s literally using the principles laid out in 1984 to get its users to fight against another company in the Brand Loyalty Wars.

I returned to my computer at around the 45-minute mark of TennoLive. My screen was dark. My PC was in sleep mode. It should not have been. My guess, at this point, is that one of our cats stepped on the power button (or the exact right series of keys on my keyboard) while taking a casual stroll across my desk.

So, because you said “I”, responses are prohibited?

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

You can read the lore cards in the game. You have been able to do this since the launch of Destiny 2, back in 2017. Your jibes are over 2 and a half years old. It’s really, really sad.

Lol what

Also, put more meat on the bones.

Clutch your pearls harder lol

“Dominique “SonicFox” McLean has made a name for themselves as a fighting game great. Back in 2018, Kotaku first profiled the esports competitor...”

Come on man...