Trouble Bruin

Are you screwing with me?

Yes. I've been getting shit for "crepe" and "hors d'oeuvres" for years.

“Eek" is something you cry out if you're a woman encountering a mouse in a fifties cartoon. To "eke" is to do something with difficulty. 

It’s pronounced like the English word “east” without the “t” at the end.

You are correct. “Yeese” is incorrect.

I got that game for X-Mas last year; I *loved* it. I'm having more fun with the obscure and the independent than I have with AAA in a long time.

I dunno, man - I think this one’s more memorable thatn IV. I don’t remember much beyond Nico being depressed about his situation, and having to entertain his annoying cousin. I finished that game, too. I think Trevor in V is unlikeable, but memorable. If only Lamar was playable...

I will be visiting Kotaku less and less, as a result.”

This isn’t a game review. It’s an article about how an actual person is being inaccurately portrayed in a game that has a (supposedly) realistic setting.


Vex Mythoclast is/was a fusion rifle.

Yeoman America!

Man, I wish this thing also did Turbografx/PC Engine...

This should have been the first response.


*fart noise*

*fart noise*

You’re really a Spaceball. You know that, don’t you?

This sucks.