
What exactly was your role in driving the nazis out of France?

Here is some actual information about that country you and your boys drove the nazis out of.

France is feminine. La France. Not le France.

You’d better actually be French, motherfucker. I starred this comment- I don’t just give that shit away.

Joining lasts makes you cunts.

Joining lasts makes you cunts.

wtf American. It’s not about you.

“By“We” I hope you mean the Allies, which mostly consisted of American and British troops with some help from the Free French Forces, Canadians and Australians.”

One would hope that anyone so closely associated with Joe Paterno, who rather than face the enormity of his crimes took the cheap and easy way out—death, and who aided and abetted and protected a vile child rapist for the sake of an oddly shaped inflated ball would have the humility and compassion to stay as far away

I read that last word as urine. Is that normal?

I have come to accept my truly astounding lack of understanding and skill with anything involving physics or mechanics.

I’m trying to find the Patrician’s speech asking if since they hang criminals for stealing bread to survive, what should they do to a wealthy man who steals merely to satisfy his own greed?

Add child molestation to that and I’m pretty sure I can get a state law passed for it here in Missouri.

If he rolls on Trump he gets poisoned by the Russian mob.

I’d be careful throwing around the r-word.

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.

That’s Brock Turner. So many rapists to choose from.

That was the Stanford swimmer with a different obnoxious name. Brock, I think?

No, that was Stanford’s Brock Turner.

I think that was a different creep. Pretty sure that was the rapist who raped an unconscious girl outside a college party behind a dumpster. And he was like a swim star or something and it destroyed his Olympic dreams or somesuch sob story that was meant to make us feel bad for him and the choices he made.