
What exactly was your role in driving the nazis out of France?

One would hope that anyone so closely associated with Joe Paterno, who rather than face the enormity of his crimes took the cheap and easy way out—death, and who aided and abetted and protected a vile child rapist for the sake of an oddly shaped inflated ball would have the humility and compassion to stay as far away

I have come to accept my truly astounding lack of understanding and skill with anything involving physics or mechanics.

I’d be careful throwing around the r-word.

The best way to accomplish a good final episode is to unexpectedly cancel the show. The way to write a good conclusion is not to know it’s the conclusion.

I second that. 15 minutes ago I would have told you I know fuck all about how cars really work. Turns out I’m damn near an expert.

io9 seems to be a little over-sensitive. i’ve had a number of burners banned for suggesting that sometimes they’re not as insightful as maybe they think they are


by your reasoning there’s no difference between ‘things that happen’ and ‘freak accident’. it’s like saying every time a basketball player hits a three then it’s a freak accident. after all so many things had to come together to make that happen.

for real. driver ‘lost control’? When did he ever have control?

that was yeats

no. that’s Yeats

people are drinking more Fireball for the same reason I drink Jeremiah Weed at funerals. bc they hate themselves and the world is terrible

Not having a car where I grew up was not practical. It was rural. There was no such thing as public transportation. The weather meant you couldn’t rely on a bicycle. My parents had their own jobs and my siblings who couldn’t drive needed rides to their activities. There was no other way for me to get myself and my

There is no such thing as Uber where I live but I downloaded the app so I could delete it


yes but war bc FACE

face — the fundamental principle of international relations

I call my .357 Hermione Granger

“That stop sign is so weird. They’re inside, aren’t they?”