
if you know so much about retroreflectivity, why did you ask?

I hate you. My job in high school and college was maintaining signs and other traffic markings.

that’s not true. although i’ve never heard of anyone who didn’t steal the sign they owned, it’s really easy to buy traffic controls. just google traffic control catalog. if those things were only available to govt agencies how are all the store parking lots everywhere full of stop signs?

Kanye, Imma let you finish. But shut the fuck up.

USMNT *needs* to be disbanded and their undeserved resources given to the USWNT


then you’ve never been to Boulder CO

being such an asshole that people will pay me millions of dollars just to go away is my new life goal

I know Crossword Puzzles. I worked with Crossword Puzzles. You sir are no Crossword Puzzle.

thing is. the two miracles have to occur after the potential saint’s death.

actually no. jokes are funny.

the Kroger brand of knock off Froot Loops will do the same thing. only multicolor.

who’s mad? it was a legit question

is this your first day on the internet?

i can see him in this but driving slowly and considerately on a nice sunday afternoon

mccain just pulled his endorsement

you’d think that would be the first thing mentioned