Probably Not The Messiah

You can stop the voting right here. This one says it all. Get the C920. Or if you want a privacy shutter, the C920s.

You can stop the voting right here. This one says it all. Get the C920. Or if you want a privacy shutter, the C920s.

And let's not forget "Dynasty" in Denver, CO.

"If you want to really purist and fan-wanky about it, revival Sarah Jane doesn't count as a 'companion' because she never traveled with The Doctor in the Tardis until the last act of 'Journey's End.' "

My first computer had a 25 MEGABYTE hard drive. Now get off my lawn.

Honestly...if you don't get the reference, please put the internet down and back away slowly.

Samsung: We want to see the iPhone 5 and the iPad 3.

Regardless of your personal feelings (toward tablets, Apple, or whatever), this is an undeniably true statement. Pre-iPad, tablets had been around in one form or another for the better part of a decade. And they never caught on. Apple, through the iPad, showed everyone else how to make a tablet that would be…

"This site is starting to get too "bloggy" for me."

Yeah, that seems about right for a T-Mobile phone.

No love for Worf? Or did you use up your TNG quota on Geordi?

@julianda01: That's not even remotely analogous. More appropriate would be saying "I bought this car, I'm legally and ethically allowed to pimp it up, trick it out, gut it, or loan/sell it to anyone I want."

@blunt_machetti: Not if you have your pot under a good tea cozy.

@Photocopier: Not before the water, per se, but before the tea. Here are the steps, in order, for black tea:

To many windows—makes it look like a corporate office. Also, not digging the idea of my house being that close to cliff surfing. Pool's nice, though.

What the hell is the point of an "invisible" plane that still leaves everyone and everything inside of it visible?

[Insert obligatory Christine O'Donnell reference here.]

@bobthedj: Which itself was, of course, parodying an old Folger's coffee commercial.

I thought a film called "RAOne" would be about a robot resident assistant who "enforces dorm rules with extreme prejudice."

They didn't drop 'Snookie' hard enough.