Probably Not The Messiah

Yep--that’s my guess, too.

The first thing I thought was “what floods”? And the answer was “Rivers” and “Ponds.” That may or may not be important.

Except for the light sabers—here, they’re detachable. In the original ‘70s figures, they were integrated into the arm/hand with a little slider to make them retract.

At this point, I really just want another full Tennant/Tate season.

Yeah, but all it really does is make me wish we were getting another entire season of Tennant/Tate.

Nice! A return to the pomp and bombast of the previous years.

Wow. Way to strike while the iron is...[checks calendar, sees it’s three years later] cold.

You could tune your watch to Netflix’s periodic price increases

Aren’t all millennials adults?

And in some cases, they still didn’t list the best one.

I love “Devil’s Due.” And yes, it was a salvaged and updated Phase II script.

The trial never ended, captain. We never reached a verdict. But now we have. You’re guilty.

Guilty of what?

Of being inferior.

That’s the trouble with tying the success of your business model to someone else’s business.

Temple of Doom has always been my favorite Indy movie—for all of the reasons you stated and more. And those first 20 or so minutes—starting with the opening number all the way until the raft comes to a rest are probably the most perfectly paced sections of film ever. The pacing is abosolutely spot on.

(And as an

Yep--my daughter and her friend are seeing it right now.

how the heart-ripping sacrifice scene and the child slavery elements are not muted as one might expect for a PG movie

The difference, as I understand it, is penetration—or lack thereof. She couldn’t say definitively whether Trump penetrated (i.e. raped) her during the incident of sexual abuse, because his penis was so small.

True, but at least the characters can still be there. They’ll just need good voice actors—that’s one of the benefits of going the animated route.

Yeah, I think Danson redeemed himself—if nothing else, The Good Place is a work of art.

I still love Cheers. It’s one of my comfort shows--especially the first five (Diane) seasons.