When Things Were Rotten at the Nottingham ATP Challenge
When Things Were Rotten at the Nottingham ATP Challenge
GOP ‘18: We Hate You And Want You To Die And You’ll Never Know Why or How We Accomplished That (picks up 3 Senate seats, 10 House seats)
If this person nobody’s ever heard of can’t deliver an objectively satisfactory apology, then what’s the purpose of upholding the Paris Climate accords anyway
I sense that the draft, with its one recognizable name (and that’s only through the Herculean efforts of a self-promoting Dad), is floating into the same meaninglessness vortex that claimed the regular season and the first three rounds of the playoffs.
GTFO Jenkins
People like her, David Brooks, Kathleen Parker are like chambermaids in the halls of power. They tidy up the place to make it look presentable, and the delusional among them think they actually live there.
(gen-X scoff) These cocks aren’t THAT revolting.
I’m so old, I remember when Ministry sounded like a duller version of The Human League.
When I hear “civility” (similar to when I heard “bipartisanship” in the 90s), I just know that some privileged dickweed is going to be taunting an already-beaten-down adversary.
(President proposes burning the safety net and re-incarcerating and deporting millions of people of color) (in response, semi-prominent celebrity of color says something politically untoward in a tweet)
I totally should actually look into it, thank you for injecting some humanity into a comment that began with the supposition that athletic jersey companies were behind Presidential welcoming of championship teams so that another jersey for the President in the style of the team’s jersey could be manufactured.
It’s true, because industrial music-listening teens shot up Columbine I listen to nothing but KMFDM as a way to bridge the gap. Can I quit now?
It must be about cupcakes because my eyes glazed over instantly.
Variety headline
“But that money’s already been spent!”
When you do “yourself as midpoint,” weird results come up. I was born in 1973, so from then to today is the same as from the stock market crash to the day of my birth.
I just want the foreman to snap and point out the intransigent one or two people who won’t vote to convict (this is me being optimistic, but the result is the same if it’s 11-1 or 1-11).
Time passages: the amount of time that elapsed between the Hindenburg and Led Zeppelin I is about the time that elapsed between the Challenger explosion and today.
I thought that was scheduled for Black Sunday.
If Tom Cruise playing The Littlest Nazi is wrong, then I don’t want to be Reich.