
Yeah, I totally understand the impetus toward hoping that generational change will solve the problem. I think it can help, but that passive change happens far too slowly to really help things. I think it’s risky to pin any hopes on passive change, if only because it will let some people think that they don’t have to


informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency

What this tells me is that at one point the door was open for Jyn and Cassian to fly off and be Rey’s parents...until something came up during the planning of Ep 7-9 that changed this and so they had to write them out.

And you are an asshole on the internet. Congratulations on your accomplishment.

I think we could use a whole fleet of counselor ships right about now.

Wow, you can use a computer.

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

I will never understand why hockey fans give a shit about a player’s ability to fight. It’s like placing some importance on a left tackle’s ability to play beer pong.

I had to have been 11 or 12. My little brother and I had gotten pretty chummy with our mailman at the time, and it got to the point where if he’d see us getting off the school bus a few blocks from our house, he’d give us a lift home in his mail truck, even letting me “drive” it down our cul-de-sac at one point (no

New to the internet?

hate that guy who took the worst economy in the latter half of the 20th century and concocted the largest expansion of the economy ever seen in history despite a congress hell-bent on stopping any Obama triumph even if it meant the suffering of every American (and when interest rates were essentially at 0% - this is a

You and me both, buddy. Except the wife part. I don’t even know your wife, much less see movies with her.

If you switch the numbers in this chart, it applies to Russell Wilson instead

But nothing happened in the movie. No one was ever in real danger. There was no real conflict. The villain(?) and his stupid “plan”(?!?!?!) seemed a weird afterthought. The whole movie - which was little more than a 2-hour-long commercial for the upcoming Black Panther and Spider Man movies - was built entirely to as

So, can we get a gofundme or something up to get this woman in a real home? Deadspin and other sites have already monetized her, let’s get her paid too.

I feel that. I’ve also given up on today. I’m currently building a ‘make your own pizza’ online order that I will pull the trigger on right as I leave work so that I will be greeted by a large pepperoni situation shortly after I arrive at home. #blessed

Nothing compared to Mike Huckabee teaching his sons to continue eating while shitting.

Am I Iron Man too?

I’m with you. I also couldn’t stand Wade. He had no redeeming qualities and didn’t grow as a character at all. And when you think about, nothing changed. The Oasis was still run by a lone shut in with no social skills who worshipped the 80s. Ioi was still one step from taking over and suffered no consequences for