Prince Williamwelcomed

I am a guy who was stalked by an ex-girlfriend and an ex-landlord dude during my mid-twenties. Those experiences pretty much wrecked my life. I was once very social and outgoing. Not so much anymore. Only many years later am I coming around, and that’s only because I essentially assumed a new identity and told nobody

Yeah, but it’s taken seriously in an academic sort of way. It’s all theoretical bullshit with little actually done that effectively helps either the stalked or the stalkers.

If dip shit commenters are allowed to chime in, thengo* to Kansas but buy each an extravagant gift.

I was much like OBJ.* Water felt like lead gel in my stomach. Then I discovered my problem with water and most drinks is that I wanted ‘em cold, preferably with ice. Then I discovered room temperature water, which feels as if it is moved immediately to my body where it is in need. No more sloshiness. Although, at

Pique Kinja.

Relate. I hate watching three-set tennis. Feels over just when it is getting good. But I also now hate watching all five sets of five-set tennis. did blogging right. Before blogging was blogging. By not doing what blogging would become. It burned bright but was gone much too quickly. Gawker and Wonkette came close, but my mornings have never been the same. Nothing makes as much sense as it did back then. That’s life’s complications, I guess.

Maybe one day you were punk, but now your head is up in space.

FWIW, I love the NBA, and read everything I can about it. But I absolutely will not watch the regular season except for the Christmas games. It’s a problem. But then my only complaint that I will ever interject into comments about the game is the same I had when I was 12, and that the last two minutes of the fourth


Still reading this in 2018!

Yup, the smartest Tomsula!

They make some simple things at such a great price that it isn’t worth spending more for something that has compromised functionality and zero thought on its form. I am not talking about their furniture, which is made of junk material. Besides, Ikea is only five miles away. Lucky me.

Thank you, JonsLegion bka guy who did the research.. I am sick and tired... No, literally. I am sick. And I am tired. Research is above my pay grade right now.

So, I am white, and when I hit my 50s, a point where life is winding down, I want to get a graduate degree in assassination and then start being a vigilant killer, killing all the Beckies and Gails who do stupid shit like this in addition to all the US and state congressmen, federal and local court judges and justices,

Didn’t want to read much more than the first few grafs but came here to add that in my family, our Native American heritage is rather split. Some of us recognize it and use it, some of us don’t.

Ah, my answer maybe to my question above/elsewhere Does PH ascribe to the “at least two” rule, or do they make you buy in pairs to get the deal?

None for me, but I wonder if Pizza Hut will let you get three for $15. Something eons ago like not allowing that is why I don’t eat there “pizza” anymore. If I had had a lot of Pizza Hut in my more formative years, maybe I’d have a nostalgia-like craving for it, but I never do. That’d be Caesar’s (also gross but in a

It has zero to do with vibration and or pain as mentioned by mikeblob in a baseball setting. Maybe beginning golfers will have issues with vibration and pain, but once they have a rudimentary swing, a glove isn’t there for that. In a perfect shot, you hardly if at all register the impact of club hitting ball.

I am beyond skeeved out by the flowery language in reviews like this especially when many of these points were brought up when the phone was first announced. It is crystal clear what is going on behind the scenes. I will not touch this phone with the proverbial ten-foot pole’s ten-foot pole. No way, now how.