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In Catalan, take in the glorious sound of worn-through wiper blades. Play the vid below in another tab for heightened reality.

Have you not heard of that kid—oh, what’s name?! it’s a total ‘90s name—oh, right, that kid named Netflix. Kid makes the oddballest of recommendations because of little things like a shared producer between films yet the films will have nothing in common whatsoever.

This is awesome! But jeezus those reporters have no sense of humour whatsoever.

Dude, have I told you how much I have been saving with Progressive lately?

No, but Fancy Kristen does have a semi-truck follow her around 24-7 whenever she needed a change of clothes out’n’about.

American CEOs think that kind is über-American.

Insert I’ve seen some shops in my day meme here.

. . . . . . . . . . .Hailey and Justin Bieber . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . are proud to announce . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that their IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . Hailey Bieber™ and Justin Bieber™ . . . . . .
will wed once the USPTO paperwork is approved.

Home Run Inn pizza in my area is 3-4 times the cost of Jacks* and tastes like craps. So, I’ll take a Jacks, add an overabundance of ingredients (more pep, more cheese, so many veggies, and a few green olives), toss it on my pizza stone, and then two minutes before it is done I will add parmesan and oregano. It is

FFS, really?

Exactly. He was saying the Lakers were like oatmeal when you’re used to instant oatmeal. Your morning was just extended an agonizing extra seven minutes that feels like 30 because it is when your routine is disrupted and you start doing other things, having forgotten about the regular oatmeal anyway, which ends up

You don’t fuck around with hamstrings. If the player tells you he feels fine and the trainers don’t detect an issue, then wait at least a week before playing him. And you definitely don’t push a hamstrung guy back into the game before he has felt ready for a week. If your opponent is a pansy and you can likely beat

I like them, too, but not in jeans. The Halston one-piece (I think it is called a Halston) with bell bottoms? Women look great in those!

Find a flattering look, and stick to it. Toss in a few trendy, complimenting pieces along the way until your look returns. Everything is cyclical. Except bell bottoms and wide lapels.

Is this why Friends is seemingly always in Netflix’s Trending queue? The Youngs checking out her hair? I don’t get why anybody would watch this show (again or start watching now). I lived through its run. Its attempts of derring-do were all French milquetoast with a splash of knockoff Jemima.

Ermagerd, Shit Funnel’s photo reminds me Mike Lupica. For the love of design, please use a different photo, Laura. Then again the reminder that Mike Lupica is no longer omnipresent in my life is nice, so there’s that. Wait, he’s not even present. Whatever happened to that asshole?

Without excessive and ridiculous IP controls catered almost exclusively to corporate needs, we might be seeing games that make Red Dead Redemption look like Tic Tac Toe. But, yeah, generally I agree that the purpose of these stores is anachronistic and providing them with product at all is a courtesy.

+1 username

yup, similar story. thank gawd for websites/apps allowing you now to submit travel plans.

If sex was ever used in the relationship as a ploy or in some fucked up power dynamic, then, no, do not have sex with your ex. Sex isn’t bad so long as each of you knows that you love one another but the relationship is one that will never work. But there has to have been a no contact buffer period of a few weeks at