
It’s absolutely wild the number of people who can’t be fucked to consider how their actions may adversely affect someone else.

Neutral: Yeah, that tracks. If the pandemic has underscored anything, it’s that there’s a huge divide between people who give a shit about the consequences of their actions towards others, and people who can’t be bothered to notice anything that doesn’t directly affect them, and wail like a fucking child whenever they

Eh, I buy both. Sure, I can save money buying used, but if the options I want are not common, chances are new is the only way to go. Both are perfectly acceptable for the right reasons. 

dOn’T yOu KnOw YoU sAvE tHoUsAnDs BuYiNg UsEd???

I voted NP because it’s HILARIOUS. In a world full of accords - this one stands out. And lets be honest - someone who has buckets of money would buy it as a joke, cause it’s hilarious.

1. Trucks and mid-size and larger SUVs have a STUPID high residual value
2. 36 month old off lease ones with 40K miles are still $25-30K
3. Putting $5000 down on that and borrowing $25K out the door for 60mo is still $449 a month @ 3%
4. That car will still be running just fine @ 100K miles assuming people change the oil

The irony is that Mass. used to be full of roundabouts, or “rotaries” as they were called, but they started getting rid of them because no one could seem to figure out how they work.

My early 20th century neighborhood in Ohio has two roundabouts within two blocks of the house I grew up in. I swear you’d think people were being asked to drive in a different language or something.

I’m in the US and my town has 4 recently-built roundabouts (with 2 more on the way) and it’s been... not great. Mostly because people are idiots. It’s like they come to this unfamiliar circular piece of road and everything they know about how to drive just vanishes from their heads. Most people come to a complete stop

Oh I can assure you, drivers here can’t figure out roundabouts either, and there are a fair number in older towns like in DC.  For all the noise we make about cars, we’re shit drivers.

Holy crap. $400 didn’t even cover the property tax escrow for the mortgage on my first private shithole. The idea of it being the whole mortgage payment....

Most drivers are outrageously terrible to the point that they probably shouldn’t be allowed to drive. This is just a reality that transcends age, gender, race and class. This is why defensive driving is so important.

Okay, but why is the stop sign where it is and not on the side street on the right? Seems like a simple traffic fix. Unless there is one on that phone pole and it’s just too grainy to see.

This could literally be the stop sign in front of my house in my neighborhood. Absolutely no one ever stops there. Half of the time, the brake lights don’t even come on.

I don’t get it.

Austin Powers did it first. 

Is anyone else here of the camp that - if your car got stolen - you hope to hell you never see it again? (And/or it gets set ablaze?). Stolen cars get destroyed and if they’re not totaled, are usually never the same again.

There are legitimate times when the car needs to be moved but the person might not have the code/you don’t want to give them the code. Eg valets, the mechanic at your local dodge dealer, etc.

This seems like an effective deterrent, there’s no joyriding to be had with 3hp and any thief who wants to get away would be better served on foot than trying to move one of these land yachts with only 3hp on tap.

If the goal is to differentiate from Subaru, that seems counter-productive.

Akio Toyoda deemed the new 86 too similar to the new BRZ”