I expected funny Super Bowl commercials, instead I need a therapy session. The lost puppy, the boy with no legs, the crying dad, the 911 call. I have all these feelings and I don't know what to do with them.
I expected funny Super Bowl commercials, instead I need a therapy session. The lost puppy, the boy with no legs, the crying dad, the 911 call. I have all these feelings and I don't know what to do with them.
Haha. You're free to dislike it. Not hatin' on you. Just sharing my love of my coco crack.
I've always wondered if Gwyneth was orthorexic. I'm obviously not in a position to diagnose strangers - or people in general - but she changes her mind about what is "good" and "bad" to eat all the time and, in my opinion, seems obsessive about it. It makes it hard to say mean things about her diet trends when I…
The only combo better than Lisa Frank and football.
THIS. I hate these "Bruce is becoming a man" stories for multiple reasons. It's none of our business. If he were transitioning, then making fun of it is just plain wrong and the way a lot these news articles present the story, as though transgender people are funny and to made fun of, is demeaning to the transgender…
This would make written correspondence at my job so much easier. I work with international professionals and students and remembering the gender for someone named Mbgokijwe, Duangnapal, Inhee, Li, Wei, Fang, Su, Xi, Yanyang, Bing, Huifeng (I am getting better at distinguishing between male and female Chinese names but…
Glad to see the brilliance of the Ivy League schools shining through.
I feel like this would lead to loud, embarrassing queefs.
I vote Horcrux. The dog can be like her Nagini.
The downside of working in healthcare and living 5 minutes from my office is that I have no excuse not to go in tomorrow. We lose PTO even if public transportation closes and the city declares a travel ban; being physically unable to get to work won't exempt you. The only time I didn't lose PTO was during the manhunt…
I've always had the sneaking suspicion that Kanye knows EXACTLY what he is doing to get more press i.e. be a braggadocio and say crazy things. I'm not saying he's the picture of humility, but a part of me thinks he's laughing all the way to the bank and we're the suckers for taking him seriously. Although, I admit I…
I am shamelessly getting drunk with my best friend and then seeing 50 Shades. Also, I would be way more excited to see this if John Oliver played the lead.
Has anyone read the female genital mutilation section from "Infidel" by Ayaan Hirsi-Ali? I was traumatized. The worst part was that I was listening to it on Audible so I couldn't skim through the really graphic sections, although I think it was good to listen to the whole description rather than hide from the truth…
I worked at A&F once during college (I was broke and really needed the money, so I sold my soul to the Devil). Here are some tidbits about working at the store:
Her reviews always make me so happy! I want more of her on Jezebel. Maybe an interview? I bet she'd have some fabulous things to say.
There is definitely a line between creepy and not-creepy that we don't really comprehend when we're young (to our humiliation later).
I LOVE Waxelene! :)
On one hand, it's fun to know that the person you hate in high school is suffering in a career in Miami's premiere dinner theatre...
Apparently the Powerpuff Girls' careers have stalled so much that they've had to turn to pornography. They will be starring in the film the Powerbust Girls: All Grown Up and Barely Legal. I suck at puns.