Princess Fluffybutt

What, nothing about Cordelia's weird-ass sex scene?

can you point out to him that if he hates your makeup, and you wear it anyway, then it obviously isn't about pleasing men?

My long term relationship ended early this year. It sucked! It was out of the blue and made question everything about myself. Fast forward nine months later I'm happier than I've ever been. Still miss her from time to time, but it's only because I lost my best friend and pizza buddy. I heard pretty much everything you

...It wouldn’t be unusual to see them leave the front desk and play Frisbee or kick a soccer ball out front. Then during office parties, they would pop their shirts off and serve a tomato-mozzarella appetizer — cater waiters. I mean, these are people who work here.

Video of these "cater waiters" on the way to work:

Has anyone ever tried to do a Kickstarter for a wedding? 'Cause that's basically what some of these brides are trying to negotiate.

My guess was that she was pregnant before the engagement, and that's the only reason they got married. Yours is much more juicy.

Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.

Also, as far as I am aware she isn't undereducated. The girl took Cold War college classes for FUNSIES. I am of the belief that Kesha is a very successful life-troll and we should all bow down to her because she is far above any starlet.

Epilepsy Eagle gives you seizures for America.

The GOP. Ways of "shutting it down" since 2012.

Super excited to sign up for health insurance tomorrow even though I'm young and healthy (wut wut) so I can get my PREVENTATIVE CARE, MUTHAFUCKAS.

A loaf of wonder bread contains 20 slices of bread. You can get them for about $2.00 a loaf. That means that you're $60.00 and some peanut butter away from a big FUCK YOU ASSHOLE avalanche of 300 peanut butter sandwiches the next time some helpless, simpering man-child asks you how many fucking minutes you've been up.

This morning I made a piping hot cup of disappointment for my husband. Rich black disappointment, tinged with regret and a sense of impending loss, served piping hot with two sugars and some cream.

OH LAWRD I would kill him. That would not work for me. Nope. After 5 p.m. is Burt's pinot greeging and vodkaing time. That is time that the TV goes on, the bra comes off and the butt goes onto the couch. Once that bra comes off, good luck getting me to do shit except make snarky comments at reality shows all night

"The amount of sexism, gender essentialism, and caveman logic within its pages is soappalling that it's difficult to believe that her book is anything but a cry for help."

My ex-husband was like this. He was on vacation, lounging in his bathrobe all day. I asked him to put the potatoes on. That's it. I left a note how to do it. I show up after a 12 hour day...and supper isn't started. He says he didn't know how to boil water. Oh, and he's super hungry because I didn't leave anything for

"if a man comes home and there's no dinner on the table, and his wife is on the phone, watching TV, or on the computer ignoring him, he won't feel respected."

"I didn't want to push her to share that," Coleman said