Princess Fluffybutt

Everyday I wonder more and more why I'm friends with you.

I used to work as an usher in a theater (not a movie theater, like a legit theater that put on plays). Our bosses were awesome and had zero patience for asshole patrons so they'd let us be snarky towards anyone who was being an ass. So our go-to retort was, whenever anyone was like "I CAN FIND MY SEAT MYSELF!" (and

I love them!!! I always ran out of icing before I finished the cookies, though. Never did get my cookie to icing ratio correctly.

In my neck of the woods, we called those "quarter waters." Because they cost 25 cents each. And are...water? I don't know.

Contact lens solution and an extra contact lens case.

What are the other four?

Yup! It's a thing. One time during an exam my doctor was doing her feeling around thing, and goes "huh, that feels that a cyst?...wait, do you by chance have to use the bathroom?" I respond "yeah..." Doctor - "ah, very well. Not a cyst. Carry on."

Ok I just...I can't.

My GOD. You are such a first worlder. UGH.

You. I like you. Like a lot. Commenting to bump this up more, and to tell you that you best come over to Groupthink soon ;)

Ah, you too? People always guess my weight at about 20-30 lbs less than it is because all of my fat is in the butt.

People used to not believe my mom was my mom. My dad is Sicilian, and my mom is Russian, Belarusian and Austrian, so she's pretty WASP-y looking - straight blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, straight nose, etc. Meanwhile I'm the carbon copy of my dad, with olive skin, thick curly dark hair, dark brown eyes, more round

Hey, thank you for listening! I appreciate the conversation. I'm gonna get some sleep, I'll respond to your comment on my GT post tomorrow.

Eek, my mistake. I grew up with four man-children, momma's boy's uncles that were super condescending. It's a bad reflex when someone calls me a pet name. My apologies, really!

I'm sorry your friend went through that. That's truly awful, and I genuinely wish there was something I could do.

What are you so upset about? If you don't like people calling you mean, then don't be mean. No need for an attitude. you. Telling you that you were wrong. I'm not really sure how that's an accomplishment.

I'm not doing this on the mainpage. See you on GT.

Well that wasn't very nice either, now was it?

*Shrug. Perhaps. Doesn't change the fact that what you said wasn't particularly pleasant.