Princess Fluffybutt

It has been exactly 1 year since my last psychiatric hospitalization! I am so proud of myself. I hope that doesn't come across too arrogant. I've been working hard the past two years, but this last year everything seemed to come together. I still have issues and I'm continuing to work on things with a therapist

9. You don't have to wash beer before it tastes good

Stole that one straight from my father. He was also a fan of "get a move on" and "quit dickin' around."

Other things that tempt teen-aged boys into sin: girls in t-shirts, girls in sweaters, girls wearing hats, girls not wearing hats, anime, US Weekly, Sports Illustrated, issues of Wonder Woman, issues of Batman, movies about cars, tv commercials, sneakers, wrenches, apple pie, Alan Cumming, Mad Men, everything on the

Toughen up, buttercup. We're not all Zen Buddhists. I don't think it's sick to celebrate or cheer when someone who kidnapped and raped three girls for more than a decade takes his own life. You can be as sorry for him as you need to be, but you don't get to say that it's sick that we're not. I didn't kill the

You can be both. In my previous line of work "Holocaust victim" and "Holocaust survivor" are both used. It sounds weird, but taking away one's victimhood can be really upsetting for them, because it (in a sense) denies the horrible, horrible things they went through. Focusing onlyon the triumph of their victory of

I smiled when I read you are on a smoke break while working at the gym. I was once eating chocolate frosting out of the tub when my YMCA called to say I had won that month's fitness challenge and I was getting a free t-shirt! Yay for healthy lifestyles ;-)

What? She just really needed caulk.

This just reminds me of the Louis C.K. bit about how the most dangerous thing in the world for women is... guess what. Men.

Holy shit that's some smart but grimey shit.

I always feel like some sort of space alien when I read these articles talking about the epic time and money suck of makeup and hair care, etc. I wear makeup every single day. I have bad skin, so I buy a somewhat "fancy" foundation that I fell in love with when I wore it on my wedding day. I spend no more than $400

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All levels and shades of wrong. Your promoting this? This is a thing for you? Let's see here... we have objectification of women, women reduced to one body part, women of colour reduced to one cartoonishly sexualized body part (again), woc being reduced to a magically sexual body organ that

Anyone else get irked that some people just can't comprehend that unmarried is not equal to single? And that even parents who aren't together can co-parent? Or that having a house or street or town full of family is not really single? Single parenting is, "Oh, shit I have no one and I must work and daycare is half my

Now playing

This is how you get people talking without taking your clothes off.

I don't think you're giving Miley enough credit. Her performance was clearly satirizing every naughty hip hop video you've ever seen.

Her thought process was, "People think this type of dancing is hot. Now we'll see if they think it's hot when a nude de-feathered chicken does it in a skintight latex suit. This will

My friend takes his pit on long backpacking trips. He even has adorable saddlebags for him so he can carry his own stuff. It's just the best.

Just want to send a big shout-out to the elderly gay couple one table over from us on the patio of my favorite bar last night. The gentleman wearing the fedora, pendant rhinestone earrings, a 4-carat wedding ring, wide bangles, a tweed jacket, and sequined Toms was so nice to talk to! And his shih tzu, Fee, was very

IKR? This was right after we rescued her (with six puppies... you can see the tail of one on the bottom left of the photo), so she hadn't gotten her weight back up and she needed a bath in the worst way.