
Remember when The Darkness had the full versions of To Kill A Mockingbird and The Street Fighter that you could just watch on an in-game TV? To think that this would one day lead to us being able to watch goddamn Tammy and the T-Rex in a FPS that the Rick & Morty guy made.

So technically I won’t be playing anything THIS weekend because I’ll be out of town on an early birthday trip, BUT I’ve been putting a lot of time into Live A Live lately! I love it, but...I dunno if I’ll finish it?

(gonna keep it vague, apologies for spoilers)

I’ve really liked it so far, and even the chapters I didn’t

As a former GameStop employee with 8 years under my belt (2004-2012):

Fuck yes.

I loved that job at the time because for the first of it I was a young doofus living at home who just wanted the employee discounts (and for the latter half I was just one more underpaid and overworked keyholder like the subject of this

As someone who was always interested in Genshin Impact but could never commit (after foolishly telling myself “I’ll just wait for the Switch port” like a genius), AND as someone who was literally just playing Jet Grind Radio last night, this is VERY relevant to my interests and I’m hopeful to get some of that beta

I’m literally wearing a pair of Sexy Specs right now after SEE brought the branding back a couple summers ago, so this delighted me to see

I think a big part of the problem is that the ‘serious moments’ tend to focus on the wrong thing, anymore. Like, there’s very much a place for Gojira-style “monster as metaphor for real-world calamity” filmmaking, but in recent years filmmakers have chosen to focus more on family drama for their ‘serious’ content

I’m just glad I could help!

I’m not normally an open-world kinda dude, but the combat in this sounds exactly up my alley enough that I’m pretty stoked to try it. I love Sucker Punch, and while I was super late to the PS4 party (having just bought one in time for the FF7 remake, after primarily being a Switch/PC gamer for the last few years) I’m

I don’t have a lot to contribute to the article, although it was very well-done and this is maybe the movie covered in this column that I’ve been most interested in so far.

I WILL say, however, that I completely agree with your final point about what constitutes a “blooper” reel these days. A lot of people are too

Holy shit, every single part of this poster has an actor or actress that was in a Daniel Craig James Bond movie and I’m weirdly excited about this idea

A decade ago, had someone told me that the actress who played Ramona Flowers would be playing Huntress in a movie, I would’ve been incredibly positive and receptive to the idea, but in the worst and most obnoxious way possible.

I’m glad I’m no longer who I was, and while I’m 100% sure I will never watch this, the cast

While I wish I could say I was surprised by this, given as it’s a presumably-big action movie getting released in January, I will admit I’m pretty disappointed. I’ve always had super conflicted feelings about Michael Bay, but Bad Boys II was a staple of every pizza-and-video-games party I attended in high school,

“the use of deleted scenes as flashbacks” is also a thing that comes up in Phantasm IV, which I liked more than I expected to, so I guess my movie watching trend this year is “belated b-movie sequel to a thing you liked as a kid that repurposes unused footage from the first one as flashback scenes”. 

I’m in Bathroom of the Future. Come to Michigan so we can play shows together.

As the singer in Bathroom of the Future - thank you. I was half kidding when I submitted us last year but this is one of the raddest things that’s happened to us and I’m stoked about this. 

Master and Commander 2: Still Commandin’

TBF that was also sort of something Hot Fuzz dealt with; it becomes a horror movie for about ten minutes in the middle before screaming back to life as a 90s action boiler for the last third of the movie. It’s the only part of the movie that feels like it stumbles for a second but I love that movie so much it’s never

Weren’t there at least two video games that used it as a setting as well?

You know what, for some reason this movie has been coming up a lot for me lately, and I’m pretty disappointed to learn it sucked. I was intrigued by the idea but totally forgot about it until earlier this week when someone directed me towards Jenny Nicholson’s review of it and I’ve been safely purged of any desire to

I’m sure this isn’t going to be a GIANT help, but if you just want to play it, it is super easy to burn CD-Rs of Dreamcast games once you find the disc image, and Dreamcast emulators are pretty good quality these days.

Not that I’m encouraging piracy on the AV Club.