
He left them when he moved out, and since his mom owned the building his apartment was in we don’t think anyone has moved in after him, which means somewhere in an empty apartment in southeast Michigan is a drawer full of McDonald’s Riddler mugs.

Hellboy 2 is my favorite del Toro by a landslide, and gun to my head might be my choice for best comic book/superhero adaptation ever. It might not be my FAVORITE, but it does so well at so many of the criteria that a movie should do well at, superhero-based or not.

I know how people on the internet get when you bring them up, but I’d nominate Green Day for being a good high-variance artist; they’ve tried so many things (within their own musical framework, obvs) and met with so many wildly inconsistent results that you really don’t know what Green Day you’re gonna get from record

There’s going to be haters on this article, like there always are, but good lord this is the best AVC post not written by Tom Breihan in years.

Keenen is to blame for Carrey, and we could have had a Damon Wayans Robin instead...goddammit In Living Color, it turns out you ruined Batman!

I feel like they wanted to get both the ‘66 and TAS looks at the same time - the parents will remember the bodysuit, the kids will recognize the bowler and blazer from the cartoon, and now everyone is totally sure it’s the Riddler.

A friend of mine and I went on a quest for about three years where anytime we’d see this at a thrift store or yard sale we’d buy them, culminating in us buying about a box-and-a-half worth at a Salvation Army by my apartment. For some reason the Riddler one seemed the most common, to the point where said friend (who

I agree with this fully - the Stallone movie gets the character hilariously wrong but nails the universe and the surrounding characters, whereas the Urban one is how Dredd should have been all along but makes his world a little too “grounded”. Honestly I’m shocked you don’t see The Fatties in a background scene

I’m so happy someone mentioned that Scary Movie 3 bit - it’s the only one I’ve ever seen, I saw it when it first came out (placing me between 14-16 years old, IIRC) and that was the only gag I remembered and liked.

The Mask was one of the first movies I remember seeing in theaters as a kid, and I loved it at the time and have not brought myself to watch it since the 90s.

I love whenever anyone posts something positive about this movie, I love it so much. Does it have problems? Sure. But I feel like the flow, aesthetics, and oddly romantic mood of the whole thing overcome whatever acting/pacing issues it totally has.

This is the only thing I’ve ever read about Survive that makes me interested, even if I hate the entire ‘survival game’ genre. I’ll probably snag this on a Steam sale, play it for a few hours, and move on like usual.

That said, this article did raise a question - is Rising non-canonical? I figured anything set after

Oh my god I didn’t even think of the Better Off Dead connection and now I’m delighted

I’ve never had anything other than a great time drinking Japanese beer and I need to try more on this list. I remember the first Japanese beer I had was an Asahi Super Dry I tried at a Japanese restaurant in Ann Arbor; when paired with the best chicken katsu I’d ever eaten, it was absolutely fantastic. I’ve branched

I love Dick Tracy. :(

This is 100% my stance on the issue. There’s been better superhero movies since then, at least in technical aspects like writing and direction, but goddamn if Batman ‘89 isn’t to this day the most enjoyable superhero movie watching experience I can ever hope to have. Even above Returns, which I LIKE but don’t LOVE.

I just Googled that to make sure it was real, and I am DELIGHTED that it is.

This, my friend, was a good review. I didn’t get it at first but I appreciate the effort you put into this.

I was honestly kind of thinking that’s where it was headed, or at least some mid-season break. Up until we got the commercial telling us to come back next Wednesday I was preparing for this to actually be the end of the X-Files, or at least some kind of pause until later in the year.

I’m down as hell, my partner never shuts the fuck up while watching anything, and everyone else I know has real dumb opinions about horror movies. I will absolutely sit there quietly and take things in so long as I can bring a responsible amount of beer.