
I honestly wouldn’t have had a problem with the name of this movie until you suggested “Soulm@te”, which reads SO much better

Part of me wonders if it was a studio mandate to indicate some kind of connection with M3gan, even if only in subject matter and creative team?

Long-lapsed Flopper and I can’t believe I’d never heard of it before today!

I mean uhhhhhhhhhhh

I have to admit, now having a better idea what the movie is about (and a much better understanding of her fantastic resume - anyone who worked on Beef House and On Cinema is okay by me), this interview made me so much more excited to see this movie than I already was

After playing the Dead Space remake last year, I decided to replay DS2 for the first time since it came out, and then play DS3 for the first time ever.

DS2 was just kind of a ‘meh’ linear corridor shooter, clearly made in the era of COD/Gears of War dominancy, but DS3 was actually unintuitive, hateful, over-engineered,

Gonna be really hard for me to let go of ol’ Danny C for personal reasons, but this dude will do a fine job.

I forget where I found out about it - probably Game Player’s or EGM - but Pepsiman was probably the first time in my life I became truly aware of the fact that there were a lot of really cool games in Japan that weren’t going to come out here, and I’ve been chasing that high ever since. Every time I see this game I

I was not expecting to be as stoked about this as I am, but I REALLY want to play this.

I wasn’t too stoked on the first one, but after hearing everyone speak so highly of the second one I caved in and got a copy for Xbox

I know how I get about games, and I know I’m going to be too frustrated by this to pay full price for it, but I’m just curious enough about it that I’ll totally snag this on Steam when it hits like $30 or so. (or, god forbid, if it ever somehow comes to GamePass, but I’m not holding my breath)

Hah, I was about to be SO GRUMPY if Jack Knight didn’t make this list - Robinson’s Starman is my favorite superhero book of all-time, bar none - and I’m glad to see some like-minded commenters here.

I’ve been unreasonably excited for this since it got announced. Despite the fact that I could just, y’know...very easily go play the original on Steam or Xbox Series X, the idea that I *sorta* get to do it all over again is enough for me to get excited.

I’ve been a Splinter Cell fan since the first one came out, I’ve played every one of them (even the handheld ones!), and I just replayed Chaos Theory last year on my Series X.

And yet this is, somehow, the FIRST TIME I’ve heard about a remake of the first one. Maybe I’m just in the wrong corners of the internet, but

I’ve been a Splinter Cell fan since the first one came out, I’ve played every one of them (even the handheld ones!), and I just replayed Chaos Theory last year on my Series X.

And yet this is, somehow, the FIRST TIME I’ve heard about a remake of the first one. Maybe I’m just in the wrong corners of the internet, but

Yeah, this sort of thing happens a lot when companies open their own streaming services and/or sell their libraries down the road. HBO Max still has the first 20-something seasons of South Park IIRC, just because Comedy Central/Paramount licensed it to them before Paramount Plus became a thing.

I always have a really hard time sticking with this kinda stuff, but this actually sounds fun as heck and I kinda wanna give it a try, maybe?

this guy just makes me sad about Syphon Filter, now

good thing we probably wouldn’t have been getting any more of those, either

As someone for whom survival elements in games quickly become boring, this actually sounds neat as heck and I’m a little more excited for this game now.

(Granted, I’m sure I’ll be more excited once we actually see a little more of it next year, but this still gives me a little better idea of how it’ll work than we had

I’ll always have a soft spot for Dan Aykroyd’s increasingly unhinged ideas for Ghostbusters 3, particularly that stretch in the 90s when he wanted to call it “Hellbent!”. Had it actually happened it probably would’ve been awful, but a lot of the ideas are clearly Aykroyd working in a post-Nothing But Trouble vein and

Stuff like this used to be my favorite back in the PS2/Xbox days when I was first working at EB Games. I would get so excited for weird, midbudget stuff like Geist, Cold Winter, Darkwatch, and Gungrave just to see what they were like (and as kind of a change of pace from the big AAA stuff of the time), and we’ve