
Good-ass article and I can’t wait for the rest of them. What are the odds Kiss Me Deadly might get a nod?

*emerges from Disqus, looks around*

I'm still one of those and I can't be happier about it.

I only know about Guernica because of both Brand New and The Critic, so…

Skip the life lessons, keep the queefs, and get me a little more Hemsworth (which I never thought I'd ever say) and you got a deal.

Now now, out of everything we CAN blame Ryan Reynolds for, Blade Trinity isn't really on the list.

Sort of a tangent, but this is actually my biggest problem with pretty much all three Ghostbusters movies, especially 2016. I loved the new one and thought it was hilarious, but literally nobody involved with either the new one or the classic one knows how to film horror or action and it just makes the whole thing

Pretty sure that song is in The Wizard too, which is where I first heard it as a youngling

I would also accept "Almost Unreal" from Super Mario Bros, a song that haunts me (in a good way) to this day.

Okay I've lived in eastern Michigan my entire life. I don't remember this at all, and something about this is super funny to me right now.

Yeah, I got kinda confused for a second when the article didn't mention "Sex", I thought maybe I was misremembering who did that song.

I've drunkenly sang "Iris" in public to everyone around me more times than I'm comfortable with. I don't know what it is, exactly, but that song hits the perfect mix of "hey I liked this song when I was 10" and "holy shit what the fuck are the Goo Goo Dolls doing" that I apparently need in my life to keep thinking

I've been meaning to watch that, I was super intrigued by the premise.

And honestly, in my experience there's a ton of free stuff on Bandcamp. The "name your own price" option actually lets you download it for free so long as you don't mind not adding it to your Bandcamp account (which is sort of a pain if you need to download it later but it's a mild inconvenience) and that's how I've

Hot Fuzz is my favorite movie of the past 17 years for exactly these reasons. It's a better action movie than most action movies in recent memory, it's way fucking funnier than most modern comedies, and Edgar Wright needs to be in charge of more things (and was always my choice to handle the Ghostbusters reboot). I

Or the guy from Rolling Thunder whose name escapes me

We also need to keep suggesting Casino Royale instead of whatever movie it is, if it's something nobody likes.

Didn't read entire post, am now jobless

It blows my mind that I know people that haven't seen Shoot Em Up. Without Hot Fuzz it would have been the funniest movie of that year, and it deserved waaaaaaay more than it got.

Yeah, holy shit, like I know opinions and assholes and all but Flamingwombat's list needs to be recorded for posterity somewhere. That's the Die Hard movies, in order of quality. This isn't a question.