
Man, parkour was kind of a short hand for "semi-talented bad guy who's younger than the hero" for a second, wasn't it? I love that scene in Casino Royale but it's funny in hindsight to think that parkour was used as a character trait for a little bit.

The Grey is good, and while we're talking about Joe Carnahan I have a lot of positive feelings for The A-Team as well.

Funny that the two movies I liked most this year were the self-aware parodies of Shoot Em Up and Hot Fuzz. I haven't watched Shoot Em Up in some six or seven years but I like to think I'd still like it (and am looking forward to one day finally seeing Free Fire as a result, even if that won't be anywhere near as

I'm gonna miss this coverage already. Kinda glad we get to go out on a high note with a pretty damn good Smackdown, including Nakamura going CLEAN over Cena, which is not a thing I expected to type for a long time.

I watched Fulltime Killer first and was hooked from the get-go. It bites John Woo a bit much but that's probably kinda the point, so if you're into HK action cinema at all you'll feel right at home with it.

I haven't watched RAW in months, relying on this site to tell me what happened (and giving me a place to talk about Smackdown which is the only one I've really followed lately, even if it does mean I miss Finn and Dean) and now even that's taken away from me. I'm pretty sure once Twin Peaks is done and A History of

Agreed - because I'm a spiteful hypocrite I don't mind watching Rifftrax of stuff I never got into (I remember enjoying one of the Harry Potter trax, not sure which it was) but it kinda falls flat with me if it's something I've seen a million times and/or really like.

There's always something formal about the point of a pistol.


In my youth I had to look up what those looked like, having grown up in modern America and never encountering one.

Why do they call him The Rabbi?

Quantum is the most underrated Bond aside from OHMSS. It didn't deserve nearly as much flak as it got.

"beautiful looking and poorly scripted" is my favorite explanation of Skyfall. That movie falls the fuck apart after they leave Silva's island and never comes back.

I liked Spectre well enough, Quantum is underrated, and I'm gonna say Skyfall is a little overrated. Craig peaked early, sadly.

Some of the later Craig openings would do that, and while it's a neat touch it's never done as effectively as it was in "You Know My Name".

Mike's mean-spiritedness always kinda rang true for me in context (no, he probably hates where he is and REALLY WANTS OFF THE SATELLITE) but it's gotta be used appropriately. RiffTrax kind of falters on that balance depending on what he's watching.

Been waiting for The Property of a Lady to be used as a title since Quantum happened. Risico might not happen due to how it's used in the story itself, and Hildebrand Rarity isn't bad but doesn't have the same ineffable 'pop'.

That goes on the list of "movie lines one quotes constantly" for me, I've said it dozens of times since Casino Royale came out and I rarely do it consciously.

Do we have her to thank for the blue Harrington/Barracuda jacket he wears during the final attack on the hotel? I have a similar one in black and it's maybe my favorite jacket, even if I'm not quite pulling it off as well (or forcing European businessmen to drink motor oil).

I go back and forth on this myself, but yeah, the slightly hang-ier look of the Casino Royale suits haven't quite held up.