
So everyone here knows about my Casino Royale thing - I'm maybe not quite the expert @Matthew_Blanchette:disqus is but I like to think I do okay when it comes to Bond knowledge. Who wants a long post?

Mine too, and I was 17, so I know how you feel!

I was having a really hard time visualizing what Apples was trying to indicate until I read this and now I'm dying

I don't want to change the word
I'm not looking for a new England
I'm just looking for another frog

The Transformers wiki is kind of amazing in its self-awareness. Like, it goes to the same absurd lengths as other fandom wikis (here's an entry for a character based upon a typo on the box of some random non-figure Transformers merchandise from 1985) but they're way more in on the joke and are at least aware of how


Good, I can now thank the same person for the AV Club that I can for Dragon Ball Z coming to America, and this is fine by me.

See? Charles said so.


I'm aware you're probably at least kind of kidding, but the idea that Haim Saban has anything to do with the AV Club amuses me in a number of ways.

*CM Punk rushes into room, confused*

It sounds like Jeff Rosenstock thinks it's as bizarre that he's on the Pitchfork festival as I do, so that's comforting.

Yeah, I literally don't understand any of the accusations against Tammy right now. She's clearly third-wheeling with two people that have known each other much longer than she's known either of them, one of whom is openly hostile towards basically everyone everywhere, and they're both indulging in a habit she looks

See, maybe I'm a huge hypocrite but I'm always really interested by this in a rock context. Two of my favorite musicians, Jeff Rosenstock and Rick Johnson have both undergone years-long solo careers by playing live guitar and singing and confining everything else to an iPod. I've long wanted to do it but I don't have

I wouldn't say "big" but I'm not gonna act like the soundtrack isn't the reason I know about that song.

To answer your last question, no, it just took a second for Jinder's animation to start. It's a really long animation so maybe there's just some weird warm-up time involved somewhere.

I've adopted that "dog" strategy at work, it's really saved me a lot of trouble in the long run.

I'm going to be seeing them a week from this Thursday, and if they play that song I'm going to be fucking delighted for a number of reasons.

The Dennis O'Neil series for The Question also made that implication. In the second issue Batman breaks into his house to chide him for the fact that he mostly started being The Question because he's good at beating people up and has a massive righteousness complex, so he's sort of that version of Ollie without the

Allegedly that's how Bryan O'Malley wanted to end the books originally. The final novel was coming out while the movie was still in production, and O'Malley had a lot of meetings with Edgar Wright to discuss how he was planning on ending them so the book and movies matched up, and I guess O'Malley was putting some