

One of my favorite writers drank 20 year old Hi-C for an article once, I can handle a little old Goose Island dammit!

Wasn't that a few years later? I don't remember Shoot 'Em Up coming out until after I was done with high school, like in 2006 or 2007.

That's why he wore bad tracksuits for a while!

There's actually been a lot of talk about how, exactly, he got that big now that the WWE isn't breathing down his neck. He's on part-timer contracts like Brock Lesnar and John Cena, and at least two of the three of them are a little bigger than they used to be (and one of them, in fact, got in trouble with UFC for

I haven't seen QoS since not long after it came out and I remember not thinking it deserved all the shit it got. I may change my tune after Skyfall and SPECTRE though, even if Skyfall is a little overrated in my eyes.

Swap Manhunter and Collateral and Public Enemies and Blackhat and this is basically mine. Good on ya.

But Man on Fire and Collateral are basically responsible for how Max Payne 3 looked, and that game is great!

I remember at the time not liking Supremacy as much but not being able to articulate why. The fights are fine, Brian Cox was great (and at the time this movie had come out I had only just learned of his existence thanks to both the game Manhunt and a VHS copy of Manhunter, and only now am I realizing just how weird

Okay that would drive me nuts to try and talk to people about, but that's a hilarious idea for release names. I'm also super down to try the RTJ and Twin Peaks beers because I love Goose Island but I'm sure they're impossible to find now.

I was going to reply to this with some kind of "wait doesn't Sony have Bond for like a decently long contract?" but then realized that, while I'm technically correct, that information was current around the time Casino Royale/Quantum came out, so…it's probably not the case anymore.

Tobey Raimi is my favorite alt-country singer, I saw him open for Wilco last summer

Oh, I loved him and I feel like he could have some decent acting in front of him if he wanted to commit to it. That said, if his filmography tops out at "Linclone" and one of the scariest parts of the Twin Peaks revival, I think he's batting a thousand.

It's like pita bread, kind of.

Barron was created through the equivalent of the Les Enfant Terribles program from Metal Gear as some kind of homunculus designed to carry Trump's DNA forward into the future. Despite his outward appearance he was actually created in a lab in late 2015 and all photos to the contrary are elaborate doctoring jobs.

Alright, so I'm too stupid to contribute a lot to the discussion, but I want everyone to know that the Woodsman is a professional Abe Lincoln impersonator who was once in a movie called "Linclone" about an evil Lincoln who takes over as President for Life: http://abrahamlincolnlives….

The pink walls are what kill me. Honest to god it looks like a hotel room, which makes it even funnier that they didn't use that set for the dorm instead.

No shit, I watched it in like 2015 when a coworker of mine somehow found a copy and Dropbox'd it to me. I wonder if this is an official declaration of his desire to never publish the DVD again…

Also I want to thank the author of this piece for the use of the phrase "…Rocky Horror-style fandom that ruined The Room" because nothing ruins something faster than the other people that like it.

I have always loved this movie. Fuck The Room, fuck Troll 2, fuck Neil Breen, this is fucking it. Everything about this movie fails in a way that you couldn't do on purpose, and everyone involved seems to know but feels…powerless to resist it. Formless CGI blobs attempt to explain character motivations and further the