
The Ninth Gate is literally the one and only Johnny Depp movie that can be reasonably confused with a similar Schwarzenegger movie. Or at least that's what I tell myself when I inevitably confuse Ninth Gate for End of Days for the millionth fucking time.


I'm getting real tired of throwing you out of the car!

Solace also had a shit ton that got removed at various points in the process be it writing or editing or what have you, and while I will defend it to the death (and might even like it a little better than Skyfall) it manages to feel both smaller and oddly bigger than Craig's other three depending on the circumstances

If your Trans-Am/Firebird is a color other than red, black, or blue, I don't need to know you. This episode is proof.

I missed it in theaters and had to catch it at a friend's house later, and I remember being deeply entertained.

Handheld shooters turn out okay…sometimes. Like that unreleased game where you're a dinosaur cowboy, Tyrannosaurus Tex.

That's exactly it. Here's two men that need each other dead. It isn't going to be funny, there's nothing particularly sexy or glamorous happening, it's just two guys who are good at the same thing who need to kill each other for various reasons. It's so…stark.

You write the same character long enough, it's bound to happen, sadly.

DAD has that problem The World Is Not Enough did where the opening and theme song are fine and then it takes a dive off a goddamn cliff. Much worse for DAD than TWINE.

Agreed, it's a neat idea marred by literally everything that sucked about movies in the early millennium all coming together to ruin a thing I love.

Oh believe me, I heard all about it!

If the 2006 entry is Casino Royale, I will burst into this thread as though I am comically launching myself through an entire sheet of drywall to track down a lithe, nimble bombmaker.

IIRC, an important plot point in an early Asmiov novel (probably Foundation) is revealed to the protagonist when he sees it on a headline in an old-timey newspaper box.

I used to see that at my GameStop all the time and I was always curious…

Agreed fully. The Bourne series is one of a few examples of action movies where people fight like they actually need to end the fight as quickly as possible and not just get through the choreography to the next setpiece. Which, don't get me wrong, I love that shit, but the brutal economy of every fight in Bourne

Go is one of those movies I keep forgetting I really want to watch. I don't know why.

*raises hand sheepishly*

I'm sorry what?

I used to love Clancy a lot and there were times when I longed for a Rainbow Six adaptation. In hindsight I'm kind of better off watching Ronin a few times and pretending.