
I saw all three of them with my dad in theaters, and I remember always liking the first one best, but the first time I ever saw him be too shocked by a scene in a movie to say anything funny was the Professor fight. He just sat there wide-eyed, impressed by what just happened, and I've never seen my dad not have

Die Another Day fuckin' sucks. I said it. I try to be a little more verbose about the James Bond opinions I subject you to, but it fuckin' sucks. And, of course, it was the first one I saw in a theater. Sigh.

Really, guys, you could just sell the cooling gel, this stuff is great.

That's…a start.

God, Orton sucks worse the more I learn about him.

I love how unsurprising that list is until you get to Corney. "Oh, sure, Mick Foley seems real nice, Sami Zayn is the child of immigrants from a country the right hates, D-Bry is a vegan goofball, CM Punk listens to a lot of bands that hated Reagan at the time…and Jim Cornette ran at least one hideously racist

I was at the Smackdown house show in Ypsilanti last Monday and I gotta tell you, in a small arena without a ton of other noises going on that shit is even funnier in person. Like it just…carries through the entire arena. It's like she's screaming directly at you, no matter where she actually is.

Doesn't that mean it's working, though?

Holy shit Chris Jericho is from WHERE

It's a hard position to defend but he was also in Cradle 2 Tha Grave, I think, and that movie is good for what it is.

Fulltime Killer is fucking incredible. First movie I watched with my ex and I was just floored. The cinematography is beautiful, it has those John Woo overtones I love without getting ham-handed or dense about them like so many other movies do, and I remember being absolutely blown away by a lot of the performances -

Okay dude when Kevin Owens has a close-cropped beard he looks a LOT like a dude I used to work with too. I wonder how many Kevin Owens Work Friends there are in the world?

If you were in Drive, you gave at least one of your best performances if not your best-ever. Even the goddamn kid. (the actual kid, not The Kid)

Mario Teaches The Doctor Typing

I believe the plan for McCoy's regeneration had the series continued was that something was going to drive him mad, so he was going to abandon Ace and force himself to regenerate in some far corner of space to get rid of whatever space madness he had. It's a concept I'd always been interested in as opposed to the

Wait, is that not what Twin Peaks was about? God DAMN do I not get Lynch.

It won't even load half the time, and if I try to close the tab it never actually goes away. Only other site I have this problem with is Laser Time, which has a vaguely similar layout and propensity to throw in a bunch of extra media so that's probably got a lot to do with it.

so alone

Speaking as a decades-long Star Wars nerd, this is true as shit. It was the dark portent to the number of people I have spoken to in real life whose "all time favorite/greatest movie ever made" is a movie based upon a comic book made within the past decade, and any of those opinions make you dull as shit.

Shit, I can't even go to the goddamn AV Club in Chrome, so all my Rabin reading between this, the Dissolve, and his blog has been in Firefox. It's the only reason I still have Firefox.